Dear flespi users!
we are rolling out the update to the flespi analytics system that will allow it to control geofences assigned directly to devices.
During the update each analytics service will totally refresh accumulated device messages cache which
may result in extra intervals updates generated for some unstable configurations of calculators.
On top of this we expect additional load in our MQTT Broker bus and telematics messages storage, but most probably you will not notice it.
During the upgrade
for some devices (less than 1% of total amount) there can be delays in intervals detection. Such delays usually are less than a minute but in some rare cases this can introduce up to few minutes latency in interval generation.
upgrade may take up to 2 days (we have 1M devices and track 2M of realtime events) and we will publish a message in the analytics changelog once it is completed and verified: for your understanding and have a great Tuesday!