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INVALID - A10 - (Green) Out of MacDill AFB heading east

SAM151 - On the move again

B52 - UP NW of Spokane, Washington - Out of Minot, North Dakota

LOKI82 - DOOMSDAY - Landing at home base. The other DOOMSDAY is still overseas!!

"AF1" - DC TO NY

SAM059 - Out of Tulsa heading west

RRR6640 - UK - Over Texas. Texas is REALLY QUIET today!!!

LOKI82 - DOOMSDAY - Close up

LOKI82 - DOOMSDAY - Weird flight from GA

C1716 - Heading to Gitmo!!

RCH164 - Out of VA, went to Gitmo, now heading to FL!

HAF35B2 - Greece 🇬🇷 leaving China!

B52 - UP again today over ND heading west!


Forward from: terminalcwo
Buckle up, folks; your airplane is about fall right out of the sky. There’s a reason all of those rich, high flyers have been reaching out to folks like Josh Yoder and Dr. Long and asking for their help in finding unvaccinated pilots to fly their planes.


SAM713 - Landed in the Philippines

LOKI82 - DOOMSDAY leaving GA

SHARK32 - Heading towards Gitmo

SAM064 - Leaving JBA

HIFI23 - Circling Monroe County Airport

20 last posts shown.


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