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Although M/C variety of buccal cancer is squamous cell cancer, Verrucous carcinoma is a variety of well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma which is locally aggressive involving the bone but lymph node metastasis is uncommon. Histologically, these tumors show marked hyperkeratosis and acanthosis with dysplasia limited to deeper layers. Repeated biopsies report it as squamous papilloma.

Q8) A 70-year-old male who has been chewing tobacco for the past 50 years present with a six months history of large, fungating, soft papillary lesions in the oral cavity. The lesion has penetrated into the mandible. Lymph nodes are not palpable. Two biopsies taken from the le-sion proper show benign appearing papillomatosis with hyperkeratosis and acanthosis infiltrating the subjacent tissues. The most likely diagnosis is:

The others came from pluripotent stem cells derived from Huntington’s patients, through a Nobel-winning technique that reverts ordinary skin or other adult cells back to an embryonic state.
— Sharon Begley, Scientific American, "Research Using Brains-in-a-Dish Forces a Radical Rethinking of Huntington’s Disease," 10 Dec. 2019
Like transplanting embryonic stem cells from cloned human embryos, transplanting induced pluripotent stem cells into a patient should avoid triggering his or her immune system.

Q7) Dermal fibroblasts are harvested from the skin biopsy
specimen of an adult man. These fibroblasts are transduced
with genes encoding for transcription factors including SOX2
and MYC. Under appropriate culture conditions these cells are
then able to generate endodermal, mesodermal, and ectodermal
cells. Into which of the following kinds of stem cell have
these fibroblasts been transformed?

Age, history of smoking, and polycythemia
in a patient with hematuria strongly suggests a
renal cell carcinoma. The elevated hemoglobin
represents increased erythropoietin production
and is not related to prognosis. Involvement
along the renal vein and metastases to the lung
is also characteristic of renal cell carcinoma.
Elevated liver enzymes and weight loss can
represent nonmetastatic effects of malignancy
and can reverse with resection. Almost half of
patients will have a palpable abdominal mass
on presentation. The CT of the thorax is a
useful test because three-quarters of those with
metastatic disease will have lung metastases.

Q6) A 65-year-old man, with a 45-pack-per-year
history of smoking, presents with hematuria
and flank pain. He reports no fever, chills, or
dysuria, but he has lost 15 lb. On examination
the abdomen is soft, no mass is felt, and there
is no flank tenderness on percussion. His
hemoglobin (Hb) is 18.5 g/dL, and his liver
enzymes are normal. ACT scan of the abdomen
reveals a mass in the left kidney with involvement
of the renal vein. Which of the following
is the most likely diagnosis?

Q5) After taking a drug, a patient
developed some abdominal problem
for which he consulted a physician,
who adviced X-ray. X-ray finding was
radiopacity in bowel. Probably he
might have taken A/E:
a. Salicylate
b. Iron
c. Phenothiazine
d. Corticosteroid

The Warthin–Starry stain (WS) is a silver nitrate-based staining method (a silver stain) used in histology. It was first introduced in 1920 by American pathologists Aldred Scott Warthin (1866-1931) and Allen Chronister Starry (1890-1973), for the detection of spirochetes.[1][2] It has been considered a standard stain for the detection of spirochetes,[3] and is also used to stain Helicobacter pylori, Lawsonia intracellularis,[4] Microsporidia,[5][6] and particulates.[7] It is also important for confirmation of Bartonella henselae, a causative organism in cat-scratch disease.

Warthin–Starry stains organisms dark brown to black, and the background light golden brown/golden yellow

Q4. A patient of peptic ulcer disease. When investigated
endoscopically showed chronic antral gastritis. Which of the
following dye will be able to stain the specimen?

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is an infection that occurs in ascites, fluid in the abdomen that may develop in patients with cirrhosis. The colon contains a large number of bacteria, more than the number of cells in the entire human body. In patients with liver disease, the immune system is often damaged to some extent, impairing the body’s ability to remove bacterial antigens. As a result, fluid in the abdominal cavity acts as a sort of Petri dish where bacteria can colonize, potentially leading to clinical infection. The bacteria with which this occurs are usually derived from the gut. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis can be a major complication in patients who have liver disease.

Q3. A 59-year-old man with a lengthy history of chronic
alcoholism has noticed increasing abdominal girth for the past
6 months. He has had increasing abdominal pain for the past
2 days. On physical examination, his temperature is 38.2° C.
Examination of the abdomen shows a fluid wave and prominent
caput medusae over the skin of the abdomen. There is
diffuse abdominal tenderness. An abdominal plain film radiograph
shows no free air. Paracentesis yields 500 mL of cloudy
yellow fluid. Gram stain of the fluid shows gram-negative
rods. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Q2) A body is brought for autopsy with history of poisoning. On postmortem, there is dark brown postmortem staining and garlic odor in stomach. The poisoning is most likely due to:

This patient is probably dehydrated from staying out in thesun too long. This caused a drop in blood pressure assensed by reduced stretch in the baroreceptors in the
aortic arch. Efferent reflex impulses to this situationinclude increase in blood pressure, cardiac output,
and cardiac contractility. Peripheral resistance willalso increase. (A) Blood pressure will increase.
(B) Cardiac output will increase. (C) Cardiac contractilitywill increase. (E) The sympathetic nervoussystem
will be stimulated.

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