⚠️ Eastern schismatic churches that mistakenly call themselves "Orthodox" appear attractive to religious neophytes. Indeed, they offer the "comfort" of Protestantism, but the appearance of the ancient tradition. Is also present the feeling of liturgical piety mixed with the illusion of hierarchical authority.
↪️Many are unaware of the overused doctrine of these sects and their teachings, they are mostly lured by the mere external appearances. The latter thereby give the illusion that these false Christians belong to some form of traditionalism.
They are in truth false devotees, schismatic in their governments and heretical in their denials of Catholic dogmas! The position as well as the attitude to be adopted towards a schismatic must be:
✙ Pope Pius XII, Cupimus Imprimis; Jan. 18, 1952:
"Just as it cannot be demanded of her [the Church] that, breaking the unity with which her divine Founder Himself wished to mark her, she should allow separate churches to be formed in every nation, which for their own sake are detached from the Apostolic See where Peter, Vicar of Jesus Christ, lives in his successors to the end of the centuries. A Christian community that acts in this way will wither like the branch cut from the vine and will not be able to produce fruits of salvation. "
✙ Pope Benedict XIV, Allatae sunt; 26 Jul. 1755:
"In the first place, the missionary who tries, with God's help, to bring the Greek and Eastern schismatics back into unity, should concentrate all his efforts on the single objective of delivering them from doctrines at variance with the Catholic faith. [...] For the only work entrusted to the missionary is that of recalling the Oriental to the Catholic faith.... "
✙ Pope Gregory XVI; May 27, 1832:
"Do not be deceived, my brothers; whoever follows a schismatic will not attain the inheritance of the kingdom of God. "
✙ Pope Innocent III, Lateran Council IV, Const. 3, on heretics; 1215:
"As for those who give credence to heretics, welcome them, defend them, and support them, we decree them stricken with excommunication... "
✙ Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 129:
"Therefore, since outside the Catholic Church there is nothing perfect, nothing inviolate, we in no way assimilate ourselves to those who are divided from the unity of the Body of Christ; we are not united in any communion. "
✙ St. Irenaeus of Lyon, "Against Heresies" III, 3, 2:
"But as it would be too long, in a work such as this, to enumerate the successions of all the Churches, we will take only one of them, the very great, very ancient Church known to all, which the two most glorious apostles Peter and Paul founded and established at Rome ; By showing that the Tradition which she has from the apostles and the faith which she proclaims to men have come down to us through the succession of bishops, we shall confound all those who, in any way, either through infatuation, or through vainglory, or through blindness and doctrinal error, constitute illegitimate groups: For with this Church, by reason of her superior principality, must necessarily agree every Church, that is, the faithful everywhere, - she in whom always, for the benefit of these people everywhere, has been preserved the Tradition which comes from the apostles."
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↪️Many are unaware of the overused doctrine of these sects and their teachings, they are mostly lured by the mere external appearances. The latter thereby give the illusion that these false Christians belong to some form of traditionalism.
They are in truth false devotees, schismatic in their governments and heretical in their denials of Catholic dogmas! The position as well as the attitude to be adopted towards a schismatic must be:
✙ Pope Pius XII, Cupimus Imprimis; Jan. 18, 1952:
"Just as it cannot be demanded of her [the Church] that, breaking the unity with which her divine Founder Himself wished to mark her, she should allow separate churches to be formed in every nation, which for their own sake are detached from the Apostolic See where Peter, Vicar of Jesus Christ, lives in his successors to the end of the centuries. A Christian community that acts in this way will wither like the branch cut from the vine and will not be able to produce fruits of salvation. "
✙ Pope Benedict XIV, Allatae sunt; 26 Jul. 1755:
"In the first place, the missionary who tries, with God's help, to bring the Greek and Eastern schismatics back into unity, should concentrate all his efforts on the single objective of delivering them from doctrines at variance with the Catholic faith. [...] For the only work entrusted to the missionary is that of recalling the Oriental to the Catholic faith.... "
✙ Pope Gregory XVI; May 27, 1832:
"Do not be deceived, my brothers; whoever follows a schismatic will not attain the inheritance of the kingdom of God. "
✙ Pope Innocent III, Lateran Council IV, Const. 3, on heretics; 1215:
"As for those who give credence to heretics, welcome them, defend them, and support them, we decree them stricken with excommunication... "
✙ Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 129:
"Therefore, since outside the Catholic Church there is nothing perfect, nothing inviolate, we in no way assimilate ourselves to those who are divided from the unity of the Body of Christ; we are not united in any communion. "
✙ St. Irenaeus of Lyon, "Against Heresies" III, 3, 2:
"But as it would be too long, in a work such as this, to enumerate the successions of all the Churches, we will take only one of them, the very great, very ancient Church known to all, which the two most glorious apostles Peter and Paul founded and established at Rome ; By showing that the Tradition which she has from the apostles and the faith which she proclaims to men have come down to us through the succession of bishops, we shall confound all those who, in any way, either through infatuation, or through vainglory, or through blindness and doctrinal error, constitute illegitimate groups: For with this Church, by reason of her superior principality, must necessarily agree every Church, that is, the faithful everywhere, - she in whom always, for the benefit of these people everywhere, has been preserved the Tradition which comes from the apostles."
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