📝 Dear Flora, to be honest ... Also a secret message to you that i think you're ....
👤 tbh you're so attractive!
👤 🦊. kamu friendly banget
👤 🐢 Flora, kamu hebat banget udah bertahan sampai sejauh ini. Jangan pernah ngerasain sendiri, yaa!
👤 #JA you're so friendly and cool too !
👤 kamu orangnya asik, keliatan talkactive, selalu jaga diri dan jaga kesehatan ya. be happy!
👤 ✮ % ׄ you're very friendly and i think you're talkactive maybe(?)
👤 Tbh you looks cute, and i think you're easy to interact
👤 #𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐎 pretty,humble and friendly gurl !
👤 🐑. You looks so pretty and soft, be happy
👤 🦋🦋 tbh u're cute and so kind, the secret is ur circle is so nice, hopefully your friendship will be last foevahh-?
👤 슬기. To be honest you're so pretty and friendly, let's get closer! And... be happy always, pretty. ♡
👤 Tbh, pengen temenan sama kmu tpi sy ragu :( and i think you're a good listener
👤 jangan pernah ngerasa dirimu kurang, karna kamu udh oerfect bgt, tiap orng ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya #EVH
👤 🧸💭. Dear Flora, to be honest you looks beautiful Also a secret message to you that i think you're social butterfly
👤 #𝐇𝐁 tbh u'r so cute and pretty at the same time and i think u'r social butterfly
👤 🌨🌷; kamu keliatan friendly++++
👤 #BN. Lucuu sama receh ga sih orangnya :( you're looks pretty too
👤 ♡화. Dear Flora, to be honest, you're so attractive. Also a secret message to you you're a good friend person!
👤 🗯. Tbh, aku suka liatin ch kamu abisnya kamu kerennnn!
👤 #lv. Pretty and friendly maybe ya?
👤 𖥻 🦊. love your words(?) 💓
👤 🏵ur pretty, berharga, jangan membandingkan dirimu dengan yang lain
👤 #Drs Agak pemalu
👥 24 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board
👤 tbh you're so attractive!
👤 🦊. kamu friendly banget
👤 🐢 Flora, kamu hebat banget udah bertahan sampai sejauh ini. Jangan pernah ngerasain sendiri, yaa!
👤 #JA you're so friendly and cool too !
👤 kamu orangnya asik, keliatan talkactive, selalu jaga diri dan jaga kesehatan ya. be happy!
👤 ✮ % ׄ you're very friendly and i think you're talkactive maybe(?)
👤 Tbh you looks cute, and i think you're easy to interact
👤 #𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐎 pretty,humble and friendly gurl !
👤 🐑. You looks so pretty and soft, be happy
👤 🦋🦋 tbh u're cute and so kind, the secret is ur circle is so nice, hopefully your friendship will be last foevahh-?
👤 슬기. To be honest you're so pretty and friendly, let's get closer! And... be happy always, pretty. ♡
👤 Tbh, pengen temenan sama kmu tpi sy ragu :( and i think you're a good listener
👤 jangan pernah ngerasa dirimu kurang, karna kamu udh oerfect bgt, tiap orng ada kelebihan dan kekurangannya #EVH
👤 🧸💭. Dear Flora, to be honest you looks beautiful Also a secret message to you that i think you're social butterfly
👤 #𝐇𝐁 tbh u'r so cute and pretty at the same time and i think u'r social butterfly
👤 🌨🌷; kamu keliatan friendly++++
👤 #BN. Lucuu sama receh ga sih orangnya :( you're looks pretty too
👤 ♡화. Dear Flora, to be honest, you're so attractive. Also a secret message to you you're a good friend person!
👤 🗯. Tbh, aku suka liatin ch kamu abisnya kamu kerennnn!
👤 #lv. Pretty and friendly maybe ya?
👤 𖥻 🦊. love your words(?) 💓
👤 🏵ur pretty, berharga, jangan membandingkan dirimu dengan yang lain
👤 #Drs Agak pemalu
👥 24 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board