REGULATION ✿ Before starting your story subscribe
@gardenfielsrent first and do not unsubscribe after free rent.
✿ Allowed to add max 1 additional request except real life things/nsfw, ava req and PDA.
✿ It's forbidden to ghosting the talents, until you give an honest review such as ratings and criticism.
✿ We accept all types of accounts from Ca/BA/RP/PA/FA
✿ We accept all the required couples such as BXG/BXB/GXG/GXB/Fams/Bestie
✿ Free rent & Confess Session will start at 17.00 p.m
Talent profile will be posted one by one according to the specified time.
✿ For those who get "🦋" in return means you won the slot. if you don't get a reply, you can still submit forms with other talents.
For much more information, make sure that you had assimilated every epithet along while letting each burgeon into the rental session we held, contact
@Gardfielsbot for any inquiries which you had dispatch forevermore, dearest ardor we inaugurate.