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Forward from: Girl in Red.
If some of you think that "ngapain sih, ngemis-ngemis minta vote di perlombaan rp doang?" Chile, hun, we're participating in the competition just for fun. For me personally, menang atau kalah ya, terserah sih. It would be a nice thing if we win the competition tapi kalo pun kalah ya... yaudah. We're the one who participating but why are you the one who really pressed?

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Ya maaf kan kita semua nggak panen clone kayak lu, iri kah nggak punya teman.

Ini nggak bohong.

Forward from: hujan
Kalau kalian vote MPH dan MPH menang, kalian bakal dapetin =

1. FILTER kebanggaan dari KAK LEEMINHYEONG.
2. Set-up acc dari KAK HAKSATRYA.
5. Konten Onlyfans THE CONNEL TWINS dari KAK TTOYEON
6. Video edits dari KAK OLIVE
7. Teh *piip* dari KAK SKZJINIE
9. Ide update GEN!RP dari KAK ANYA HAVEEKA
10. Jasa edit APA AJA bagi yang storage penuh dari KAK ALETTA

Maaf ya @wejang.

Forward from: TBT.
Gue bukannya update plot malah minta vote.

Sekalian punya adick-adick gua, FOURBI.

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  •   KUHOM
  •   FOURBI
2601 votes

Vote for MPH and Amigós, please? We can do vote for vote, just slide through @leeminhyeong.

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  •   JCB
  •   AMIGÓS
765 votes

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  •   MPH
1162 votes

Forward from: Empeha!
Special thanks to:

• Haksatrya as content creator, bio editor, and caption creator.
• Aletta as messy manip editor and caption creator.
• Alysia as MPH's MOST editor and caption creator.
• Bianca as MPH's MOST editor.
• Aelin as MPH's MOST editor.
• Mahendra as caption creator.
• Anya as sticker maker.

And everyone who participated in the production of MPH's yearbook, thank you for your cooperation and hard work!

𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤.

Forward from: Empeha!
𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟒𝟒.

Angga! Whose wig were you wearing and why did you face look so reluctant? Whatever the reason, please do know that you face looks a hundred percent ridiculous! Haksatrya, what's up with the pose? Prepended with his face becoming one with his pose, creating another perverty ambience around. You dirty minded ass, wait until your mom sees this. And here is MPH's one and only favorite Cancerian, Mahen. Oh, don't worry, he's not cranky, he's just being his Cancerian self. No offense though. 😉

𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟒𝟓.

Unfortunately, we've come to the end of the book. Despite the hecticness and busyness that we've been through, we had so much fun designing and making the book! Worry not, this is not the end of our meeting, we will still continue our journey as friends, no, family. So please stay tune with us and bear with us for the next thrill and fun!

Forward from: Empeha!
𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟑𝟖.

Mahendra was feeling himself that day so he took a lot of selfies and Anya thinks she should perpetuate it. Also, Haksatrya was starring as a prince in the school drama so he dressed up with that outfit. "Holy, Haksatrya, you look like a real prince!" exclaimed Aletta when she met him in the backstage.

𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟑𝟗.

On the next page there is Bianca and Alysia ended all model's career with their confidence. Just look at them, they're very beautiful! Anyway, those matching Converse are the cutest!

Forward from: Empeha!
𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟑𝟎—𝟑𝟏.

We also give out our biggest pride throughout our journey as family here. We scrutinized each and every characters and personas there are within MPH. And we finally am proud to propose, MPH’s MOST!

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