If you suddenly thought that Durov was not trolling you enough on the issue of integrating TON into Telegram, he is not stopping.
Remember the functionality of TON giveaways in channels among subscribers?
The functionality didn't go viral in the end, since it attracted bots or dugout dwellers to the channels in 99% of cases, and nevertheless Durov made it in the format of stars.
If anyone doesn't understand: TON integration into Telegram has been suspended. In the best case scenario, the blockchain will be used as an infrastructure for interaction with NFT. However, no one gives you any guarantees here either.
Remember the functionality of TON giveaways in channels among subscribers?
The functionality didn't go viral in the end, since it attracted bots or dugout dwellers to the channels in 99% of cases, and nevertheless Durov made it in the format of stars.
If anyone doesn't understand: TON integration into Telegram has been suspended. In the best case scenario, the blockchain will be used as an infrastructure for interaction with NFT. However, no one gives you any guarantees here either.