At the time when the burgeons of the moon embrace the dawn among the peaceful lakes of the heart, your singing ballot-murmurs the meaning of the glowing fire of love. Heart beats in the chest, blood ripples in the soul, a ingratiating smile like the moon that is breaking. notwithstanding the paramour's physiognomy is filled with sadness, the rhythm of your love beats a tone that inspires soul—tethered lovers. Let this love descant be magnificent under the dim twilight, the old petals fall in the wind with the shade that blooms unrelentingly since it bloomed at dawn; your presence is tremendously impressive, the story is irrespectively from your thought, your real shadow is appear right on the retina of the eye without suspecting a surreptious story. Thou radiate with perfect crackling, your pulchritude is mesmerizing to match diamonds. These fingers don't want to separate, releasing your sturdy scape, the air seems to take you to the wild, hodiernal the chromo— of the flower shines even more brightly, as if you are a silent witness to the story of that beautiful rug that I really feel, smells fragrant, immeasurably picturesque, your face immediately awaken the soul when the humanchild is fuse attachment.