Resilience: Nervous System + Emotional Wellbeing

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Overt child abuse (physical or otherwise) is obviously horrific and damaging. And it can be just as damaging to experience more covert, insidious harm (mis-attunement, parental emotional immaturity, early medical trauma, etc).

Often those in the second camp suffer just as much, yet they invalidate their own experience bc the signs weren’t obvious.

Holiday stress, family, and breaking cycles

In the weeks leading up to holiday gatherings, I saw so many posts online about “protecting your peace” and “navigating triggers around family.” Sadly, this is what holidays have become for many of us - stressful.

Family and kin are of great importance to our wellbeing, which is why the targeted destruction of our people (especially in the last 3 generations) has been so detrimental. We are not meant to do life alone. The only way out is for those who are hearing the call to heal, to break these old patterns and, in many ways, to start anew.

I’m not saying that you should or should not go “no contact” with family. But you can’t force anyone around you to heal, so the best you can do is focus on what comes next. Focus on healing yourself, supporting your partner, and ensuring your children have the attunement and co-regulation you didn’t receive.

Brighter days are ahead for us. ⚡️

Posting about circumcision triggers people so badly that they feel the need to leave the chat. I find this pretty sad, actually. There’s clearly some deep wounding there.

It’s not weak to admit that you’ve been victimized, coerced, or that you mistakenly circumcised your child.

Strength is built when you face reality with clarity, self-compassion, and willingness to be with that wound so it can metabolize and resolve.

Forward from: ⟡ 𝚂𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚊 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 ⟡
Trauma resolution isn’t just for women. It’s for men too.

For the sake of our folk, we need women AND men to heal from the past and to release the suffering caused by generations of ignorance (and at times, outright abuse).

It’s not enough to just “not do what your parents did.” If your body is still stuck in the past, attunement and emotional connection is difficult - sometimes impossible.

Forward from: ⟡ 𝚂𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚊 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 ⟡
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Circumcision, trauma, rage toward the feminine, porn addiction…

It’s all connected.

(full video here)

I noticed that this post from a couple weeks ago received one of these emojis: 🤔

My guess is that this has something to do with the last phrase: “learning to… utilize anger in healthy ways with minimal harm to ourselves or others when possible.”

What do I mean by this? Here’s a short example.

A mother who is wired to protect her children can use healthy aggression to set boundaries. If someone physically encroaches on those boundaries to a greater degree and mama senses there is danger to the lives of her children, she will likely use violence to ensure the safety of her kiddos. The driving force behind this is healthy aggression/anger.

Hopefully this makes things more clear!

*This is not an incitement to violence and is only a hypothetical scenario for illustrative purposes*

If you’re turned off by the word “trauma,” keep in mind that what it really means is “stored survival stress.”

Survival responses (fight, flight, freeze) are normal mammalian responses. Animals, however, lack the higher brain to impede the resolution and release of this energy. It happens organically for them. The further humans get from their animal ways and alignment with nature, the more stress stays in our systems.

Stored stress takes your life force captive, making you a longterm slave to thought and behavior patterns that are remnants of an acute protective response. When you release stored stress, you liberate your life force.

“I don’t have any unresolved trauma”

I can tell you right now that if you say this while you live in modern western society, you’re lying to yourself.

Being born into a world that heaps survival stress onto your system is not your fault. But becoming free of the consequences (shown above) is your responsibility alone.

We can show up consistently to resolve our issues or pass them on to our children. That is the choice we are faced with.

Far-right circles are full of men complaining about “whores” aka promiscuity among women. Yet I don’t hear them complaining about emotionally (or physically) absent husbands/fathers; nor do I hear them complaining about the rates of sexual assault among our own people.

Promiscuity is not an inherent trait for us – so why do they think this is occurring? A woman with her innocence in tact (men have not coerced her or abused her) and with a loving father (who models a healthy marriage with the mother) is immunized against any propaganda that might encourage her to give her body away.

This is of grave importance today in particular because of the lack of outside support. In the tribal communities of the past, a woman could receive support from other adults, especially since we had multi-generational living arrangements. There were many adults that modeled healthy behavior and assisted with raising children. Not the case today.

The whole movement back to the “nuclear family” is a step in the right direction but it’s not the end goal. The nuclear family was a step away from tribal living and toward atomization.

It is vital for men to excel in their role as husband to their wife. A wife without an involved partner often parentifies one of her children in his place; this parentification leads to relational issues in adulthood. Children (and adults too) have a biological need for connection and will take on way more than is appropriate if they think it will preserve connection.

Anger and aggression are integral parts of the human experience. It allows the human animal to set boundaries and initiate change.

We have a right to be angry. The key is learning to recognize, work with, and utilize anger in healthy ways with minimal harm to ourselves or others when possible.

Make no mistake. The “mental health crisis” is an entirely appropriate and expected consequence of the way we live today (under conditions intended by the powers that be to wear us down) and the failures of their bullshit “solutions” (aka drugs and talk therapy). And we shouldn’t settle for it or normalize it.

“Destigmatizing mental illness” is really a misnomer and a misdirection.

First, it presupposes mental health as a separate category from physical health. There is no separation.

Second, it seeks to normalize (read: force us to accept as fate) a physiologically appropriate response to an unhealthy, toxic society instead of resolving the root causes.

White people have lost touch with their tribal roots, more so than other race imo. We could discuss, at length, a myriad of reasons for this. But it’s obvious that we are the most “anti-racist” (place the least emphasis on in-group preference) and then by default, place a high value on individualism.

Golly. Could this be connected to our high rates of suicide and anti-depressant use?

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