Habesha Thought

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Think like habsha its wild
Cross @Fuck_y0uuu

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If the inventor of copyright had copyrighted his idea, nobody would be able to use copyright.


When one of my favorite songs plays randomly on the radio I enjoy it 100x more than if I choose it on Spotify.


I wonder if it's rude for a deaf person to talk with food in their hands.


Relation advice 1.0
Guy who ask permissions to talk dirty stop its like sayin
" may i ask u who ur daddy is "


You know you really haven't gotten enough sleep when even your phone isn't fully charged when you wake up
Good morning 😴


How does the the human brain ignore the second "the"


If a wolf gets bitten by a werewolf, does it turn into a human on a full moon?
Sounds like it tho🤔🤔


Because I'm so lazy, I work as hard and fast as I can at work just so I can be lazy for as long as possible everyday.


And then there are guys who asks for feet nude🥴

wt's wrong w ur ass dudes y u so obsessed w women's feet???


If Mary had Jesus and baby Jesus was the lamb of God... So Mary really did have a little lamb?


Salt tastes pretty good for a rock.


Do regular dogs see police dogs and think "oh shit it's a cop".


Eating a cheeseburger is basically eating the cow, the cow's milk, and the cow's food.


Firefly is the opposite of waterfall


There are four vowels and four consonants in "equality".


When you see your Gf with another guy and realise why she always texted "l love you 2" instead of "I love you too"


Forward from: ᴇʙᴜʟʟɪᴇɴᴄᴇ✨
Call him by the wrong name to let him know you have option💆🏽‍♀


Home is where you don't wipe the toilet seat with a piece of toilet paper before pooping.


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