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Her: "I named my dog bandit because his fur makes it look like he's wearing a bandit mask"

Me: "I named my dog burglar"

Her: "awe, does he look like he's wearing a little mask too?"

Me: "no he's just black" @HateFacts

After all this time it turned out that Diddy was the gay fish, not Kanye. Life is full of surprises. @HateFacts

It's funny because "Nicar" sounds like "Nigger" you're welcome. @HateFacts

Allegedly 6% of Nicaragua's population is now living illegally in the United States. When asked if this presents a national security problem, DHS secretary Mayorkas was quoted as saying "Nicar's? please" @HateFacts

Duff Man's real name is actually Barry Duffman. @HateFacts

You know some people might take some of these posts the wrong way and start thinking I hate women. The exact opposite is true. I don't HATE women, I just LOVE being abusive. If women weren't around I wouldn't be able to do what I love...which is abuse them. So in a way, I love women more than anybody. @HateFacts

Non-HodgeTwinsPhoma. @HateFacts

I actually have non-HodgeTwin Lymphoma. So I have lymphoma, but at least I'm not two roided up nigger republicans. @HateFacts

What's the matter Principal Victoria, was your mother abusive? Did she spank your thighs with cold cuts and shove umbrellas up your ass?  @HateFacts

They should keep making progressively worse Joker movies. Like Joker 3 he goes full tranny and changes his name to the Joher. @HateFacts

We at @HateFacts are projecting a libertarian party victory. All the exit polls say the libertarians won every state. If that isn't reflected in the results, the election is rigged.

Tip 1: if you get emotional while following an election, you're a fag

Tip 2: if your preferred candidate doesn't win, don't worry about it. It's only 5% of your life you have to waste being mad every day and looking forward to the next election when the one you hate will probably win again.

Tip 3: the tip of my dick (ladies only) #NoFatties. @HateFacts

I haven't voted since April 18, 2007.  When the system was rigged to deprive Sanjaya of the title of American Idol season 6 winner. CURSE YOU RYAN SEACREST!  @HateFacts

Is what I might be saying if I had any knowledge of that particular event occurring. @HateFacts

Can't believe Kamala just took Texas. @HateFacts

A fortune cookie just told me others are drawn to my magnetic personality. These cookies contain great wisdom. @HateFacts

I take tinder dates out for 7/11 hotdogs. I say "this is all you deserve pig" @HateFacts

Forward from: MurderTheMedia
Dick NeCarlo aka Nick DeCarlo Aka JackD Nicholson aka Big Beef Bus aka Texas Man did nothing wrong and is out of Prison!!!!

Do you believe that polls are an effective way to gage the opinions of an audience?
  •   Yes I'm gay
  •   No but I'm also gay
  •   I'm undecided on the effectiveness of polling, probably because I'm gay
  •   I'd like to invade Poland because it has the word poll in it
  •   I do like poles, especially those white n red ones on barbershops that spin
  •   I'm actually a pollmosexual which means I'm gay for polls
  •   I've never participated in a poll but I've always wanted to, so I guess I'm pollcurious
  •   It's not gay if you make them wear a lady wig
  •   What's the point of this poll, you just want to call people gay or something?
  •   I bet Phillip Seymour Hoffman would've beaten the shit out of Ben Affleck if they fought
331 votes

I have a jacket that says "Stuntman" on it. People think I'm from Hollywood. @HateFacts

20 last posts shown.