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hope yall are doing well yaa

masih ada aja yang subs channel ini ternyata

eh kangen banget HAHAHA

hai lagi :p

Hello, this is Alshe's mundane speaking. I decided to leave this roleplayers world. I've carved many beautiful memories that i can remember at any time. To my dearest friends and mutuals, thankyou so much for being one of my best parts even we didn't talk that much. I'm sorry if i made a mistake that hurt or make you guys uncomfortable. Lastly, thankyou and see you on top everyone!! 💌

ˑ ˖ FINALLY!! on October 1st, 2021. 1st full english single titled "THE FEELS" is out now! these girls coming together with their 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖆𝖈𝖚𝖑𝖆𝖗 new song. 🔮

𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗚𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗨𝗟𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦! for TWICE and also TWICE rp-ers, especially for; Me, Maddie, Juwita, Moana, Asha, Senjana, Kayesha, Cassandra, Hirashi, Shanne, Shofia, Gie, Daisy, Fawiesha, Morays, Kanara, Embun, Beatarisa, Senja, Avyanna, Lavissly, Shaqilla, Kilanna, Hera, Yunita, Casá, Harleen, Brianna, Sha, Kalshena, Kasa, Kaneyshara, and all Twice rp-ers. 💋

𝕴'm obviously sure this comeback will very amazing. I hope you all enjoy the music video and keep streaming the mv and support our ladies! 💝

sincerely, Alshe

✷ ۫ 𝕿he day we've been waiting for, September 22, 2021. HAPPY NAYEON DAY 💭🐰 LITTLE ⓝⓐⓑⓞⓝⓖ is celebrating her birthday today 🏩❕Very multi talented girl, i hope your happiness will always be with you && may your wish come true ♡♡% i hope this day can bring a lots of brightest smile! once again, happy birthday Im Nayeon ✷ ۫

I also give this wish to all of TWICE Nayeon rp — ers especially me and my special ladies; Jawa, Aloura, Najilèya, Kaneyshara, Emily, Karin, Seraphine, Shanum, Disyane, Ayra, Sherly, Reenaya, Delv, Claudette, Brian, Shaluna. 🎀

𝕱or the very AMAZ!NG birthday 🎂 Thank you so much for the hardwork that you have put for your fans & yourself. Please take care of your health and enjoy your precious time ^♡^

With love, Alshe 🤍

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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ .・✦ i knOw you get the 🅵🅴🅴🅻🆂! meet me at #MIDNIGHT¿ in the forest of my dream 💭💭 سنقوم بإشعال النار و count the stars that shimmer 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 trees. i'll show you как он все еще сияет like gOld. ⚰️⚰️ ㅤ ㅤ . . copying me doesn't make you cool, ughh! просто будь собой because no one wants to be you 😵‍💫💉أنا رائع PS; You're not. 💀

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ㅤ ㅤ
ㅤㅤ?¿.... not a 𝖋𝖑𝖆𝖙. не квартира сзади. не мужской дом.. 🌬 not a DADDY'S A house all my own. W!th my porch and my pillow, my pretty red ᴘᴇᴛᴜɴɪᴀꜱ 👀 My books and my stories. My two shoes ɓuıʇıɐM BESiDE the bed. Некому трясти палкой. NOBODY'S garbage to p!ck up after... 🔮 #ONLY a house quiet as SNoOw, a space for myself to go 🄲🄻🄴🄰🄽 as paper before the poern.. 🗯
ㅤ ㅤ

CERTA!NES personnes parleront de vous pour attirer l'attention, لأنهم إذا تحدثوا عن أنفسهم niemand wird sich darum scheren. 🚯🚯 Gosh, i need a vacation, winning lottery ticket, شرب القهوة الساخنة أثناء القيادة, or one day sans conneries. I'd settle for that! 🗯💉

ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ

bentar ya 👍🏻

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