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#하이픈. Hello everyone, this is the rants place of HYPHENATED where all of us talking about the out of characters topic. There's already the bracket, please bear with us. 🤘
Contact: @EnhypeenBot.

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Thank you so much for filling up the board ya, Penats! Have a great night.

👤 Ini bukan tanya-tanya sih, tapi boleh spill ava yang menarik perhatian buat diajak temenan dong :D

👤 Penat heeey spill yang lucu

Gak ada yang mau ngisi lagi kah masih gabut

👤 Sunbae, pernah ngerasa insecure update nggaaa? Aku lagi diambang insecure banget :(

👤 spill neithan

👤 Spill member nya dong, pgn temenan

👤 FI ke masing-masing membernya gimana nih?

👤 Spill wilford

👤 Dormnya berdiri dari tanggal berapaa penaatt

👤 Siapa member hypenated yg masih available alias jomblo? Sbutkan ciri ciri biar gw mmantaskan diri

👤 How was your dayy?

👤 Member yang paling gemesin? Ga boleh nyebut diri sendiri.

👤 Rencana debut sekitar tanggal berapa, nih?

Dah itu dulu.

👤 Kapan rencana mau debut?

👤 Spill member-membernya dong, mau kenalan

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