Halls of the Hyperboreads

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In this Atlantean Academy you will find the gymnasium of the heroes, the library of the philosophers, and the temple of the druids

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Forward from: Thuletide
Someone asked me where the name 'Thuletide' originates.

I stole it from a Harvest Rain song of the same name but it's a mix of 'Yuletide' and 'Thule' from Greco-Roman mythology, which is often used as synonym for Hyperborea. This is explained in Julius Evola's 1934 book Revolt Against the Modern World.

Hyperborea/Thule is also referenced in a 1903 book called The Arctic Home in the Vedas by Indian nationalist and independence activist Bal Gangadhar Tilak. He posited that the Indo-Europeans originally inhabited the North Polar region but were forced out of their homeland during the Last Glacial Maximum of the Ice Age, whereafter they migrated to Europe and parts of Asia.

The book contains pseudohistory but the general premise is correct: The ancestors of the Proto-Indo-Europeans did inhabit Siberia during the Ice Age and were forced out of their homeland by climate change. Today we call these people the Ancient North Eurasians. Modern Northern Europeans trace ~25-35% of their ancestry to this population.

Forward from: Race Realism Channel
An admixture analysis of the entire human race, showing proportions of ancestry inherited from 20 genetic clusters (which roughly correlate to certain ancestral populations).

The genetic clusters visible in Europeans (dark blue, medium blue, light green), relate to ancient populations as follows:

- Dark blue ("Nordid") = European Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers
- Medium blue ("Medid") = Early European Farmers, also known as Anatolian Neolithic Farmers
- Light green ("Elamid") = Caucasus Hunter-Gatherers, a population related to but distinct from Neolithic Iranians

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Admixture analysis

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Outstanding racial map of the modern world from Thuletide. Genetics are a very useful part of understanding our history, including our myths of Hyperborea and Atlantis.

In a similar vein of the role of the sexes and love as they relate to God Himself

Forward from: Traditionalism & Metaphysics
True love says, 'I must stay with you, for I am eternal. That our sisters should stay without is meet, for they are our servants and have accompanied you to the actual true knowledge of eternal bliss.' Now comes the highest intellect, that which receives all things barely from God, and says, 'I have apprehended the highest good wherein naught can stand but unity.' Understanding says, 'I shall remain, you must let me stay with you.' Intellect says, 'Understanding and love, you must remain behind.' Understanding says, 'I claim the reward for having known.' Love says, 'I claim the reward for having loved.' The highest intellect says, 'He to whom you have led me, and whom I have hitherto known, He knows Himself now in me, and He whom I have loved, He loves Himself in me. Thus I realize that I need no one any more. All created things must remain behind and all that was ever made. I stand before my source.'

…Now you are to understand the woman as understanding, the son as intellect, the husband as the man in the soul. You must also understand, when the man in the soul begins to rise up, the masters say it is another man. You should not take this as being another soul: it is another being of the soul, for the old habits are all gone and dead. The soul has assumed her true being and stands in her primal innocence. The man in the soul, transcending angelic being and guided by intellect, pierces to the source whence the soul flowed. There, intellect must remain outside, with all named things. There the soul is merged in pure unity. This we call the man in the soul, and you should understand it thus: the man in the soul is he who has accomplished all this, so that he needs no further help. What he did hitherto, God now works in him. God knows him as he knew Him, God loves him as he loved Him. Thus God performs all works, and the man in the soul is bare and empty of all things.

…Note Christ's words, "Where two are gathered together in my name I will be with them" (Matt. 18:20). You should understand it thus: Christ means the soul and the body in a true unity, so that the body wants nothing but what the soul wants. Know that God would be with these, for they are the people we have just spoken about. When the man of the soul is in true possession of his eternal bliss, when the powers are cut off, then that man meets with no opposition from anything. But note, you must pay good heed, for such people are very hard to recognize. When others fast, they eat, when others watch, they sleep, when others pray, they are silent - in short, all their words and acts are unknown to other people; because whatever good people practice while on their way to eternal bliss, all that is quite foreign to such perfected ones. They need absolutely nothing, for they are in possession of the city of their true birthright. I can call that my own which will eternally remain to me, and which none can take from me. You should know that these people perform the most valuable work. You should understand it thus: they practice inwardly in the man of the soul. Indeed that kingdom is blessed in which one such person dwells! They do more eternal good in an instant than all outward works that were ever performed externally. See to it that you withhold nothing that is theirs.

That we may come to recognize such people and, loving God in them, may enter into possession of the city they have won, so help us God. Amen.

~ Meister Eckhart, Sermon 37

Forward from: Halls of the Hyperboreads
This goes hand in hand with starting with habit changes. Replace unhealthy pleasure-seeking habits with healthy habits that make you feel good. Combine this with a bit of meditation, focusing on changing your views on what "pleasure" really is and what "good" is. When mind and body begin to heal together you will feel the capability of your soul grow.

Forward from: Wisdom of the Gods
If you are not yet able to transcend the momentum of pleasure seeking, a first step is to replace problematic pleasures or desires with less problematic ones. You will still be working within the framework of Pleasure = Good, which is incorrect. Therefore, this should not be a long term practice - it's a kind of spiritual Band-Aid. But it might sometimes be the best we can do, and it is better than doing nothing. In the meantime, you should continue to work towards transcending the Pleasure = Good framework, which will always hold you back spiritually.

Forward from: • Hellas • Ελλάδα • Greece
The Delphic Maxims, pt. 4

81. Ὄνειδος ἔχθαιρε Detest disgrace
82. Γλῶτταν ἴσχε Restrain your tongue
83. Ὕβριν ἀμύνου Shun violence
84. Κρῖνε δίκαια Make just judgements
85. Χρῶ χρήμασιν Use what you have
86. Ἀδωροδόκητος δίκαζε Judge incorruptibly
87. Αἰτιῶ παρόντα Make accusations face to face
88. Λέγε εἰδώς Speak from knowledge
89. Βίας μὴ ἔχου Have no truck with violence
90. Ἀλύπως βίου Live free of sorrow
91. Ὁμίλει πρᾴως Have kindly interactions
92. Πέρας ἐπιτέλει μὴ ἀποδειλιῶν Complete the race and don't chicken out
93. Φιλοφρόνει πᾶσιν Deal kindly with everyone
94. Υἱοῖς μὴ καταρῶ Do not curse your sons
95. Γυναικὸς ἄρχε Control your wife
96. Σεαυτὸν εὖ ποίει Benefit yourself
97. Εὐπροσήγορος γίνου Be courteous
98. Ἀποκρίνου ἐν καιρῷ Respond in a timely manner
99. Πόνει μετ’ εὐκλείας Struggle for glory
100. Πρᾶττε ἀμετανοήτως Act decisively
101. Ἁμαρτάνων μετανόει Repent of your errors
102. Ὀφθαλμοῦ κράτει Control your eye
103. Βουλεύου χρόνῳ Give timely counsel

Forward from: IMPERIVM
“The task of all good men today should be to relight the flame of civilization. I could re-state the same sentence in a thousand ways: to decrease societal time preference, to renew faith in God and his Word, to improve social technology, etc. And yet, the original civilizers did not civilize through electronic devices, at office desks, on their behinds, during conferences and conventions. The original civilization was a baked mud cabin and a fire illuminating a dangerous black void. It would be wise to remember that theory was a consequence of civilization, and that civilization was a project of stone, sweat, blood, fire and flesh before a project of the mind.”

~Mark Yuray


Forward from: Forbidden History
A world sensation that has been hushed up by the media for a century.

Archaeological excavations began in Jerash in 1920, and what they discovered was to be a world sensation. The archaeologists had no idea that they were faced with an early Christian mosaic depicting Jesus Christ himself. The inscription "ХРIСТЕ" to the left of the man and the fact that this is an early Christian church pointed this out. The most striking thing is that this word and all other words on the floor mosaic were made in the ancient Slavonic language.

The next thing that is striking about this find is that Christ is depicted in a ceremonial Russian Vyshivanka shirt, on which swastika patterns are traditionally embroidered, exactly the same as those surrounding the figure of Christ on the floor mosaic found during the excavations.

Forbidden History

This is without "gigantism" or other endocrine disorders, these are natural giants preserving the Hyperborean warrior legacy.

History is alive, Aryan nobility lives on among us

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