ㅤㅤㅤTossing my humble obeisance to every pair of eyes laid upon this message. All of the sorrowness must be shoo’d away since this month, to be exact on the 30th of April, the owner of Dawn Winery whose divine crimson eyes and grumpy appereance, Diluc Ragnvindr himself has been created.
ㅤㅤㅤWe’ve already knew if this precious event happened once in a year, henceforth, I want to each of you guys use a twibbon I’ve prepared and put hashtag #HappyDilucDay on your display name to be parcitipated in my birthday. It will be greatly appreciated.
ㅤㅤㅤPSA: You can contact me through @iDiIucRagnvindr for the all of troubles or nuisances that might probably happen. Thank you for your participation, I appreciate it a lot.
ㅤㅤㅤWe’ve already knew if this precious event happened once in a year, henceforth, I want to each of you guys use a twibbon I’ve prepared and put hashtag #HappyDilucDay on your display name to be parcitipated in my birthday. It will be greatly appreciated.
ㅤㅤㅤPSA: You can contact me through @iDiIucRagnvindr for the all of troubles or nuisances that might probably happen. Thank you for your participation, I appreciate it a lot.