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The same. Consistently downwards💪

A downgrade🙃

We'll see what we can do, but for now, it's okay.

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EVEREST o’quv markazida IELTS imtihonidan O’zbekistondagi eng kuchli overall 9.0 natijasi qayd etildi! 🗻🚀

Natija EVEREST bitiruvchisi va ustozi Dilmurod Nazarmatovga (@dilmurod_notes) tegishli va undagi eshitish, o’qish va gapirish qismidagi 9.0, hamda yozish qismidagi 8.5 natija shu kunga qadar O’zbekistondagi hech bir imtihon topshiruvchi tomonidan bir vaqtning o’zida qayd etilmagan!

EVEREST esa xalqimizga yuqori IELTS natijalari bilan tanilgan o’quv markazi hisoblanadi! O’tgan 2022-yil mobaynida EVEREST bitiruvchilarining 754 nafari IELTS overall 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 va 8.5 natija qayd etishgan! 2021-yilda 393 nafar, joriy 2023-yil hisobidan esa yuksak natijalar soni 1000 nafardan oshgan!

EVEREST 2012-yilda tashkil qilingan bo’lib, hozirda Toshkent shahrida 15 manzilda faoliyat yuritmoqda. Darslar malakali, yuqori natijali, iste’dodli va eng muhimi asosan EVEREST bitiruvchilaridan iborat ahil jamoa tomonidan olib boriladi!

Joriy o’quv yili boshida EVEREST 1-9-sinflar oralig’ida tahsil oluvchi maktab o’quvchilari uchun mo’ljallangan yangi loyiha – EVEREST KIDS o’quv markazlari tarmog’iga asos soldi! Hozirda poytaxtimizdagi Paxtakor hamda Chilonzor metro bekatlari yaqinidagi ikki manzilda EVEREST KIDS faoliyat yuritmoqda!

EVERESTER yoshlar ya’ni ushbu o’quv markazi tahsil oluvchilari esa maqsadni aniq qo'ygan, tirishqoq va to'layotgan pulini oqlash uchun kelayotgan, kamtarin ammo kelajakda O'zbekistonimizni ko'taradigan, uni ustunlari bo'ladigan o'g'il-qizlardan iborat! EVEREST asosiy maqsadi esa, ushbu o'zbek o'g'il-qizlariga kuchli ilm berib, ularga muvaffaqiyat eshiklarini ochishdan iboratdir!

P.S. Siz ham EVEREST bilan haqiqiy muvaffaqiyat egasiga aylaning! Hoziroq, EVERESTER bo'ling! 🏔🚀


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One of my past students has done an amazing project creating this cool game with his team of developers.

Follow the instructions on the pictures and vote for their game at :)

And here is the link to the game trailer:

Day 18 - Task 1


The table compares six major languages in terms of the number of people speaking them, both as a native and as an additional language. Overall, Mandarin Chinese has by far the largest total number of speakers, with the vast majority of these being native speakers, while English makes up a close second, but is significantly more popular as an additional choice of language. The other four languages had much lower figures, with Arabic and Portuguese standing at the bottom of the list.

Mandarin Chinese and English are the two most spoken languages around the world, leaving the other four far behind. Almost 1.1 billion people speak Mandarin Chinese, and 900 million of those are native in this language. At the same time, there is a total of 942 million English speakers in the world, but this number is mostly made up by those speaking English as an additional language, at almost two-thirds.

The remaining four languages have much lower figures. Hindi and Spanish have more native speakers than English, at 370 and 350 million, respectively, but with the number of non-native speakers standing at around 100 million, they score much lower in terms of the total figures. At the lower end of the spectrum, there are Arabic and Portuguese, which have slightly more than 200 million speakers in total, with native speakers being responsible for almost all of this.

Word count: 229 words
Time spent: 19 minutes

Day 17 - Task 2


Sending people to prison is not effective, and other methods such as community work should be supported instead.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?


Prison sentence is arguably the most common form of punishment for more serious offenses, but some people consider this approach to crime ineffective. Instead, they suggest applying other alternatives. In my opinion, serving time in a harsh prison environment may discourage only some people from committing crimes in the future. I believe that the benefits of this punishment do not extend beyond these specific cases, so other types of punishment should be used.

In the past, prison sentence was indeed a powerful tool in the fight against crimes, but in the recent decades, its effectiveness has been diminishing. This trend can be linked to the work of human rights organisations that strive to protect all people regardless of whether they are a law-abiding citizen or a notorious criminal. While criminals of the past feared a wide range of torture techniques used in prison, these have been gradually banned in the recent years, deemed too inhumane to be applied even to serious offenders.

Growing corruption and nepotism reduce the effectiveness of prisons even further, as major criminals will simply use their connections to ensure a comfortable prison time. This means that those who truly harm the society will barely notice the severity of a prison life and will most likely continue committing crimes again. The only people that might be affected by the prison system are small, first-time offenders who are frequently bullied and exploited by their fellow convicts. Such unfairness suggests that prisons are largely rudimentary in our attempts to reduce crime rates, so I think that other measures should be implemented instead.

One potential alternative to prison sentences is community work. I make this choice because under this punishment, criminals would restore the damage that they have caused other people at least partially. Criminals should be assigned simple yet labour-intensive tasks such as planting trees or collecting litter on the street. They might feel compassionate to the life of ordinary menial workers, and experiencing this very feeling is what will teach them an important lesson. It should be noted that we cannot assign more serious jobs to criminals such as those in construction or manufacturing because this can effect the quality of work and eventually put the lives of ordinary people at risk.

Another form of punishment that I would personally want to see implemented is death penalty. Although this may sound extreme, in my opinion, some especially horrible criminals are too dangerous for other people to be left alive. We do not even need to use traditional forms of capital punishment, as there is the new, fairly humane practice of a lethal injection. Some may understandably argue that instead of taking someone’s life and basically becoming a criminal ourselves, we should sentence these serous criminals to life imprisonment. However, this will only cause more damage to the society because life prisoners are maintained on taxpayers’ money, and I do not think that the more heinous ones deserve this.

In conclusion, I agree that prisons have lost their former effectiveness as a means of administrating justice. Because of this, other forms of punishment should be used such as community work and, although extreme, capital punishment.

Word count: 525 words
Time spent: 38 minutes

2k 0 11 19 36

Day 17 - Task 1


The table compares the spending habits of UK adults and children across four categories of good in the year 1998. Overall, adults spent the largest proportion of their money on food, while their expenditure on the other three items was minimal. Children, on the other hand, spend large proportions of their income on various forms of entertainments, with music being their highest expense item. What connected the two age groups was the minimal differences in figures gender-wise.

Starting with adults, this age group prioritised buying food over entertainment, spending a quarter of their total income on this category of expenditure. There was a large gap between the individual gender figures, however, as men allocated only 14% of their income to food, while women’s figure stood at nearly 40%. Adults spent much less on entertainment: only around 5% on electronic equipment and music each and only 1% on videos. The individual gender figures for these three categories deviated comparatively less noticeably from the general figures.

In contrast, children spent much larger proportions of income on the three entertainment items. By far the highest expense was music, with a figure of around 40%, while almost a quarter more was spent on electronic equipment. Videos came as a third largest expense item, at 17%, and only a tenth of overall income was spent on food. The individual figures for boys and girls separately were generally similar to the general figures for each category except electronic equipment, which was much more popular with boys.

Word count: 250 words
Time spent: 24 minutes

Day 16 - Task 2


Some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by artificially intelligent robots.

To what extend do you agree or disagree ?


The recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence have once again proven the almost infinite capabilities of this technology. This leads some people to think that AI-powered robots will completely replace human workers in all occupations. I believe that this is indeed the future we are moving towards.

Artificially intelligent robots are superior to humans in many respects, and their most important quality, in my opinion, is high learning speeds. Human workers need a considerable amount of time to learn new skills and put these into practice. An AI algorithm, on the other hand, only needs a finite set of data and a comparatively short timeframe to train on and to understand what it is supposed to do, after which the program will be able to provide high-quality work consistently. Once an algorithm has learnt to accomplish a certain task, it can be spread to an infinite number of robots, reducing the learning times even further.

Another advantage of using robots – and the one that will certainly appeal to companies – is increased profitability. Human workers can only work for a certain number of hours during a day, need to take vocational breaks and should also be paid their salary, but robots require none of this. This means that companies will be able to maximise output rates while spending much less money on maintaining the workforce. We have already seen the same happening during the industrial revolution, when widespread automation caused many factory workers to lose their jobs. Now that these machines are gradually gaining consciousness, they may eventually replace humans in jobs once deemed impossible for robots to do.

Admittedly, we cannot just allow robots to take over and leave us without a source of income. The developments of AI should first benefit ordinary people and not the money-hungry corporations. To ensure this and to prevent potential mass unemployment, governments all over the world should introduce special policies protecting human workers. This can be done, for example, by providing financial subsidies to the affected human worker and by limiting the extent of the so-called ‘algoritmication’ of jobs. Once these policies are fully implemented, the public might finally stop fearing AI and instead embrace it as a defining feature of the modern era.

In conclusion, I fully agree that one day, all the work will be done by robots. However, I believe that this should not be regarded as a negative development, as with the timely taken measures, we can ensure that AI improves the lives of people throughout the work without causing them harm.

Word count: 425 words
Time spent: 37 minutes

Day 16 - Task 1

The chart shows the average daily sales of five foods in one restaurant in winter and summer.


The bar chart illustrates how the average daily sales of five food items in a single restaurant change depending on season. Overall, hot foods are sold at much higher rates in winter, while cold foods are mostly served in summer. In contrast to this, the sales of salad are not affected by the change in season.

The two foods that are served hot become more popular in colder weather. An average of around 75 servings of hot coffee is sold on a winter day, which is by far the highest figure shown on the graph, while the same figure for soup stands at 50 servings. In summer, however, these two items are ordered much less frequently, with the figures standing at 25-30 servings per day.

On the other hand, iced coffee and ice cream are more popular when it is warmer outside. In summer, the average sales figures of these foods are comparatively similar, with 40 portions of iced coffee and 35 portions of ice cream served on a single day. However, while ice cream is cold at a rate of 25 servings per day in winter, iced coffee is almost not sold during this season.

Salad is the only food item whose sales rates do not change from one season to another. In both winter and summer, the restaurant serves 25 portions of this food to its customers.

Word count: 229 words
Time spent: 14 minutes

P.S. Maximum repost, guys😏

Forward from: EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀
Officially birinchi EVERESTER niner kandidat natijasi bilan tanishing, azizlar! 🗻🚀

🎧 Listening: 9.0
📖 Reading: 9.0
✍️ Writing: 8.5
🗣 Speaking: 9.0

Overall: 9.0 🔥

FYI, bu Respublikada qayd etilgan to'qqizinchi overall 9.0 result bo'ldi va hali bunaqasi bo'lmagan!

Bunaqasi bo'lmagan deganda nima nazarda tutilmoqda payqadingiz shekilli! Respublikada hali hech kim to'rttala skill bo'yicha qayd eyilgan 9.0 natijaga ya'ni plain ninega bunchalik yaqin kelgani yo'q, azizlar! Ya'ni, O'zbekistonning bugungi kundagi eng kuchli overall 9.0 natijasi bo'ldi ko'rib turganingiz!

☝️EVEREST o'z so'zini aytishni boshladi, xullas! Qolgani endi afsona bo'ladi, mazza qilib tomosha qilasiz, in shaa Alloh!

❗️Dima, ot dushi tabrik, bugun hammani xursand qilding, yaxshi kunlaringda xizmat qilsin bu natija! Biz hammamiz sen bilan fahrlanamiz!


. Kotta bollani moshinasi - qora Gentra esa yo'lda! Uni po nastoyashemu topshirgan birinchi o'quv markazi bo'lamiz, nasib! ;)


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Day 15 - Task 2


In many countries, paying for things using mobile phone apps is becoming increasingly common.

Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?


As technologies develop, they become intertwined with various aspects of our lives. One example of this is mobile banking systems that gradually replace traditional payment methods. While I admit that there are certain concerns associated with paying via mobile applications, I still think that it offers far more advantages to people.

On the one hand, I can understand public concerns regarding this practice. For one, accessing mobile payment systems requires users’ personal information, and they fear that it can be stolen by or sold to third parties. One example of how this fear has already turned into reality is the growing number of scammers who call people pretending to be their bank’s representatives. Unsuspicious victims give away all their personal information that can be then used in illegal activities, causing the original victim to be linked to a crime that they did not commit.

Another concern expressed by some people is that all their financial activity can be traced and controlled by the government. In their opinion, this violates their fundamental rights for privacy in personal matters and might even contribute to the establishment of a totalitarian regime in the long. These people fear that the world portrayed by dystopian novelists of the past will become our future, so they, understandably, still prefer to use traditional payment methods.

However, I would argue that the benefits that this technology brings outweigh all its possible drawbacks. Firstly, paying via mobile apps is simply more convenient than using cash money or coins. Using these apps reduces the speed of financial operations as customers do not spend extra time counting the money and receiving the change. Transactions can also be made remotely now, meaning that customers do not need to visit stores in person. I believe that all these factors contribute to much greater shopping experience.

Secondly, people’s financial security is also improving following the introduction and widespread availability of mobile payment systems. Unlike solid money, digital currency is harder to steal as personal bank accounts can be frozen on demand should any suspicious transaction be made. Stealing someone’s bank information is, in fact, not easy either because it is kept in safety under a wide range of encryption mechanisms. I admit that a lack of technical savviness can indeed lead ordinary people to lose large sums of money to scammers, but this is caused by their own carelessness and not by a flaw in the banking system.

In conclusion, the development of mobile transactions can be associated with certain problems. Despite these, I strongly believe that these new payment methods are more advantageous as they improve the convenience and safety of financial operations.

Word count: 440 words
Time spent: 45 minutes

A colleague of mine got a nine🤩🤩🤩

Day 15 - Task 1

The pie charts show the electricity generated in Germany and France from all sources and renewables in the year 2009.


The pie charts provide a breakdown of electricity production in Germany and France in 2009, giving the information for all sources of energy in general and for renewable ones separately.
Overall, the total amount of electricity generated in the two countries was similar, and so was the proportion of renewables in each country’s total energy production, but these were the only similarities. While in Germany, most electricity came from conventional thermal power plants, nuclear sources held the largest share in France. As for renewable sources, biomass and wind power were the two most common types in Germany, whereas hydroelectric power had by far the largest percentage in France.

Germany and France generated almost equal amounts of electricity in the year 2009, at 560 billion kWh and 510 billion kWh, respectively, but the two countries differed dramatically in the types of sources they used. In Germany, conventional thermal power accounted for almost 60% of total electricity output, with nuclear power bringing another 23%. The opposite picture could be seen in France, where more than three quarters of all electricity was produced at nuclear power plants, while only slightly higher than 10% of energy came from conventional thermal sources. Despite these differences, however, the shares of renewables were fairly similar, with Germany’s figure being only a few percentage points higher.

Moving to the information regarding the use of renewable sources of energy, it can be seen that the two countries had barely anything in common. In Germany, the figures for biomass and wind power each stood at almost 40%, with 17.7% more brought by hydroelectric power and only 6.1% – by solar power. In sharp contrast, four-fifths of all renewable energy came from hydroelectric plants in France. Most of the rest was more or less equally split between biomass and wind power, while solar power accounted for less than 1%. Finally, neither country used geothermal energy at all.

Word count: 315 words
Time spent: 24 minutes

An essay on the same topic written by one of my brothers. Have a read😉

Forward from: ɴᴏᴅɪʀ'ꜱ ɪᴇʟᴛꜱ ᴏᴅʏꜱꜱᴇʏ

"Pollution of rivers, lakes and seas is a major concern for people who seek to protect the environment.

What are the possible causes of water pollution?
What effects does this have on animal life and huma society?"

The degradation of aquatic ecosystems such as rivers, lakes, and seas, predominantly caused by urban development, inappropriate waste management and vast amount of industrial discharge as well as heightened agricul
tural practices, is an escalating global crisis that poses severe threats not only to wildlife, but also to human societies. This has profound impact on animal life and human communities, leaving far-reaching and devastating consequences.

Two of the major causes of water pollution is urban development and inadequate waste management. Since urban areas are developing and expanding, the amount of sewage and urban runoff, containing hazardous substances, chemical, grease and oil often find their way in water bodies, exacerbating the contamination. In addition to this, the ubiquity of plastic products and their inappropriate disposal creates plastic pollution, leading to even more fatal risks to marine life.

Furthermore, industrial discharge is another contributor of high rates of aquatic pollution. All too often, factories expel waste products, often containing non-biodegradable materials to rivers and seas. This, on the face of it, alters the chemical composition of water bodies, making them more toxic to life in water. Moreover, the increased frequency of agricultural operations contributes to the worsening of the situation. Major farms and fields dispose chemicals and fertilizers which are designed to boost crop growth. These, once leached into water sources and bodies, lead to the death of fish and other organisms as chemical depletion may start.

The effects of water pollution to animal life are devastating. Not only do polluted waters cause a range of health problems in aquatic animals, including psychological stress and lethal poisoning, but also put species at risk, killing out most of them, thus bringing the decline of biodiversity. Regarding the effects of water pollution to human populations, the contamination can spread out health-threatening illnesses such as cholera. This puts public health at risk to a large extent. Moreover, this pollution of water bodies can undermine fishing industries, affecting the livelihoods of populations, especially on coastlines, who depend on fish as main source of food and income.

To conclude, water pollution, primarily caused by urban development, poor waste management, industrial water disposal and more frequent agricultural practices, has catastrophic effects on both animal life and human societies. As for the former, the death and disruption of aquatic life have ripple effects, while for the latter, threats to human health and economic repercussions underscore the urgent need to solve this problem.

(402 words).


Day 14 - Task 2


Pollution of rivers, lakes, and seas is a major concern for people who seek to protect the environment.

What are the possible causes of water pollution?

What effects does this have on animal life and human society?


Environmental campaigners all over the world are ringing alarm bells about the current state of natural water resources, which are increasingly affected by water pollution. Humans are the sole culprits behind this growing issue, and it can only have a negative affect on all living species – both animals and humans.

Water pollution, just like any other environmental problem, has gone hand in hand with the development of human society. In an attempt to improve their living conditions, countless generations sacrificed the surrounding environment for their own good. Over the course of our history, we poured waste into bodies of water, without even considering the impact that this practice could have on other living species. The situation worsened dramatically with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, as more and more inorganic, highly-toxic waste was disposed of into lakes, rives, and seas. At this point, the nature was no longer capable to cope with the consequences of our actions.

Even after we have finally understood how much damage we cause to the environment, the problem of water pollution is still present in our lives today. In many parts of the world, people have neither will nor opportunity to switch to sustainable living, while large, money-hungry corporations continue to damage the environment to maximise their profit margins. Mere understanding of the problem is not enough, as many people simply do not care about the implications of their actions. This ill mindset has caused irreparable damage to the world around us, and as long as we continue to live by it, environmental issues will be characterising features of our society.

The impact that water pollution has on the natural world is truly devastating. Unsuspecting animals ingest a wide range of toxic contaminants which slowly poison their bodies, causing disease and eventually death. This creates a truly horrifying image in the proximity of affected regions, where the coastline is strewn with countless corpses of fish and sea birds. Even if an animal survives, it can still be carrying highly-infectious diseases, spreading them over larger populations through the food chain. In the long run, the fragile natural balance may be lost, which may destroy entire ecosystems as a result.

Humans themselves are no less affected. The loss of wildlife and the subsequent collapse of ecosystems will have their toll on various aspects of our lives, primarily on food production. Fishing is clearly the industry suffering from water pollution, but the use of contaminated water can also lead to lower output rates in agricultural facilities, with many crops and farm animals failing as a result of infection. Widespread food shortages will drive its prices high, cutting the access to this fundamental resource for the most impoverished layers of society. We humans need to admit that regardless of how far we have developed as a society, we are still heavily dependent on the natural world around us, so anything that hurts the nature will affect us as harshly.

In conclusion, water pollution has been caused by our irresponsible and inconsiderate attitude to the natural world. This issue has the potential to affect all living organisms without exceptions, meaning that both animals and humans will suffer from it.

Word count: 529 words
Time spent: 43 minutes

Day 14 - Task 1

The pie charts compare water usage in San Diego, California and the rest of the world.


The three pie charts provide a breakdown of water consumption in San Diego County, the State of California, and the world as a whole. Overall, in both San Diego and California, households use the largest part of all water, with the figure for San Diego being particularly large, while agriculture holds the smallest share. However, in the rest of the world, the situation is completely opposite.

In the two US regions, the highest proportion of water is used for residential purposes. In San Diego, this sector consumed more than a half of all water, at 60%. The remaining part is more or less equally split between the industrial and agricultural sectors. As for California, although there is not such a wide gap between the three figures, individual households still account for the largest proportion of water used (39%). Local industries and agriculture are each responsible for around 30%.

In contrast, on the global scale, agriculture is by far the largest consumer of water, with almost 70%. Industries contribute roughly a quarter to the global water consumption, while the figure for residential use stands at a mere 8% - the lowest across the charts.

Word count: 193 words
Time spent: 11 minutes

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