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EVEREST SERGELI manzilimiz ertadan, ya'ni 18-Dekabr, Dushanbadan boshlab EVERESTER bo'lish istagida bo'lgan barcha uchun o'z eshiklarini ochadi, azizlar! Kelgusi hafta mobaynida ushbu manzilimizga yangi EVERESTER yoshlarni qabul qilamiz va yangi guruhlar shakllantirishni boshlaymiz! :)

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You can see basic features of monolingual dictionaries in the pic.

There are even more, like
- common collocations
- idioms
- related words
- word origin

Personal favorite
- Quizzes

Vocabulary expansion

Lesson 6

Any vocabulary textbook is limited in one way or another. You can't improve your vocabulary by solely getting through them.

Looking up a word for yourself, seeing different meanings of the word, trying pronouncing it straightaway, jotting down some related sentences is my advice for you.

Besides, extending your vocabulary shouldn't be constrained to English learning textbooks at all.

You should go and explore real internet content in English, be it articles, podcasts, series, TV shows or even YouTube shorts. That's how you see words in action.

Translation ≠ meaning (at least not always). You may know the translation of the word ACCLIMATISATION (акклиматизация). You may not, however, know what it means.

the process of getting used to a new place, situation or climate

Yet another reason, why learning a foreign language can help you better understand your native one.

Below you can find Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary alongside with some guidance on how to best use it.

Yes, these people are murderers. I guess all of them have a beatific smile, though.
showing great joy and peace

Can you spot any common obvious or hidden pattern between these people?

271 0 0 22 23

Have you ever seen a fit man drinking a diet coke?

Vocabulary expansion

Lesson 5

Some pseudo educators give out lists of random words that include a chaotically mixed level of words on various topics.

On top of that, words there are of one word form only. To make it even worse, they are in alphabetical order sometimes.

This is a clear example of how you should NOT approach vocabulary build-up.

Instead, use a method of building tables.

Take the word INFORMATION as an example, which is obviously a noun (-ation).

misinformation (n.) misinformed (adj.)
informative (adj.)
inform (v.) informed (adj.) uninformed (adj.)

Word formation can be done by adding suffixes or prefixes as well as compounding two words together.

Knowing different forms of a single word can help you use them flexibly both in your speech and writing.

This guy's videos are hilarious 😆

Check out his other videos: Language Simp

So true

This is a recital of one of the letters' of our great ancestor— Amir Temur.

“Our forces are numerous, and our valour is vigorous; Our horses forward dash, our lances deeply gash, our spearheads like lightning flash, and our sabres like thunders crash. Our hearts are as the mountains strong, like sands in number our armies’ throng, and we among the heroes and Himyar’s kings belong. Our kingdom none can assail, our subjects from harm shall never ail, by our might our rule shall ever prevail. To him who makes peace with us will safety ensue, but he who makes war on us will repent and rue, and he who doth avow of us what he doth not know of us – he is a fool.”

-Letter to Sultan Barquq of the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt

#archaiclanguage #wisdom #highspirit

If you want to help your friend, showing him empathy and confirming his excuses is the last thing that should be on your mind.

That's going to lead him leaving his mistakes unspotted and coming back to them in the future.

A true friend is someone who holds you responsible for the deeds you do, someone whom you expect to criticise you without being disliked in any way.

Someone who calls for constant competition and that's the best route for growth with means of genuine and worthwhile relationship.

What do you think of daily short articles?

Would you have time to read them and learn knowledge as well as vocabulary?

Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information

Let me share a story about a time I got some misinformation. So, a while back, I was planning a weekend getaway based on a friend's recommendation. They told me about this fantastic hiking trail that supposedly led to a breathtaking waterfall. Excitedly, I set off to explore this hidden gem.

Now, here's the catch: the information I got from my friend was a bit off. The trail they described wasn't as clearly marked as they made it sound, and after hours of wandering, I realized I was on the wrong path.

So, where did this info come from? Well, my friend got it from another buddy who had visited ages ago. It seems the details got a bit fuzzy over time. Anyway, standing there in the middle of nowhere, I decided to turn to a local map and ask a passer-by for directions.

After a bit of recalibration, I finally found the proper trail and eventually reached the waterfall. It turned out to be a beautiful spot, but the mix-up added a few unexpected twists to my adventure.

Reflecting on the experience, I've become more cautious about relying solely on word of mouth. Now, I cross-reference information from different sources, especially when it comes to exploring new places. It's a lesson learned the hard way, but it has made my adventures-to-come more enjoyable and less prone to unpleasant surprises.

Part 2 - Set 4 - Incorrect information

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