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🔱⚜️🔥"धर्म एव हतो हन्ति धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः।" ~मनुस्मृतिः ८/१५🔥⚜️🔱
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The cost of our missile programs for the period 2021-2030 is estimated at US $24 billion.

You guys carry on with your business.

Let it be.
I'll definitely not post the incest sex comments of that shit group as this channel is not sanatani ekta where I have to indulge in different useless stuffs

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भेददण्डानुबन्धः स्यात्तदोपेक्षां समाश्नयेत्।
न चायं मम शक्नोति किञ्चित्कर्तुमुपद्रवम्।।
न चाहमस्य शक्नोमि तत्रोपेक्षां समाश्रयेत्।
अवज्ञोपहतस्तत्र राज्ञा कार्यो रिपुर्भवेत्।।
(अग्निपुराण २३४. ६, ७)

शत्रु के शिबिर में स्थित हृष्ट - पुष्ट पक्षी के पुच्छ भाग से उल्कापात और विविध उत्पातों से, मिथ्याचारों से, तथा दुष्प्रचारों से एवम् मनोवैज्ञानिक प्रयोगों से शत्रु के मनोबल को कपटपूर्ण ढङ्ग से क्षीण तथा विलुप्त करना माया है।

#YoungMen #SubhashitSanatan

Keep our soldiers in your prayers

Encounter Starts In #Pulwama 's Uzrampathri Village

Encounter has started between militants and joint team of government forces in south Kashmir's Uzrampathri,Nikass area of district Pulwama, reportedly one to two militants are believed to be trapped in residential area, exchange of firing going on.


Read it

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Advice for #YoungMen

Everybody has to pay their dues, sooner and later. Pay your dues early by proactively putting in the work. Your future self will thank you.

इस अंजुमन में आपको आना है बार बार...
दीवारों द़र को ग़ौर से पहचान लीजिए।


सुना है तारीफ़ो केे पुल केे नीचे,

अक्सर मतलब की नदियां बहती हैं...

तुम्हारा मुझसे रूठना और मेरा सबसे रूठ जाना,

.....वो पुरानी आदत आज भी है.....

दुनिया जब, शरीर को छुपाने के लिए पत्ते ढूंढ रही थी,
हमारे पूर्वज पत्थरों पर इतिहास रच चुके थे।

अजंता की गुफाएं, महाराष्ट्र।

This map shows #China 's port and rail projects in #Africa

Major milestones in economic cooperation between #Pakistan and #China

1) 23 new friendship agreements

2) Record Breaking bilateral trade

3) Revival of Joint Economic Committee after a 11 year hiatus


Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, who steers UAE foreign policy, plans to visit #Israel

LMAO. Jewish wives of Arab monarchs are doing their jobs pretty well.

#AbrahamAccords #NWO

#Turkey is planning to export UAVs to #India

Turkey is balancing commercial relations with India in the security sphere with strategic cooperation with #Pakistan in Central Asia

Pakistan LeT Commander Abu Zarar killed in poonch, Kashmir J&K today by security forces.

20 last posts shown.


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