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Forward from: Working Class History
On this day, 29 August 1968, discontent exploded at the Long Binh US military prison in Vietnam. Designed to hold 400 inmates – unruly US service personnel – the Long Binh Jail (commonly known as "LBJ" in a derogatory reference to US President Lyndon B Johnson) unit was overflowing with over 700 prisoners, amidst a growing rebellion amongst GIs. In particular Black soldiers were increasingly unwilling to fight, and increasingly willing to challenge racist officers, and by August that year 90% of the inmates were Black. The overcrowding, appalling conditions and a new policy of strip searching inmates sparked the rebellion. At 11:45 PM, Black and white prisoners attacked the guards and began destroying the prison, grabbing wooden planks and metal bars from dismantled beds. Col. Johnson arrived on the scene to try to calm the rioters, but was violently attacked and wounded. The rebellion lasted about a week, and left 63 military police injured and one dead. In its wake, 129 soldiers were court-martialled, but the events were not widely reported by the US media. Learn more about the GI revolt during the Vietnam war in our podcast episodes 10-11: https://workingclasshistory.com/podcast/e10-the-gi-resistance-in-vietnam-part-1/Pictured: The destroyed base in the aftermath of the rebellion To access this hyperlink, click our link in bio # 1 then click this photo

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Palestine Action activists have once again targeted the Israeli weapons industry, hitting a Bristol-based research, development, and manufacturing hub for Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest arms manufacturer.

The group continues to tirelessly target the Israeli war machine in the UK, now even expanding its struggle to other European countries and the US.

The group mainly targets Elbit Systems and its supply chain, which is significantly disrupting its weapons production. Elbit’s weapons are used extensively in Israel’s destructive war against the Gaza Strip and its aggression in Lebanon.

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It appears that the German intelligence service is monitoring us. Why? Because some “journalists” and politicians have a problem with our popularity among pro-Palestinian protesters. According to these “journalists,” we’re even “instigating” the pro-Palestinian demonstrations here.
Since the onset of the war in Ukraine and especially since the beginning of the genocide in Gaza, activists, journalists, media outlets, and academics have become targets of the German media. They are being canceled, publicly subjected to witch hunts, and even their names and pictures are being published in newspapers.
The state, with the help of the media, will harass you, publicly hound you, and possibly even investigate you. Nevertheless, the long arm of the censors will not stop our coverage.

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Unrest erupted across France after anti-fascists celebrated the surprise defeat of the far-right National Rally. After the decisive round of the snap elections, clashes with the police escalated.

The far-right’s dream of a sweeping election victory was in ruins after the Popular Front coalition blocked the National Rally's anticipated takeover.

Fierce clashes broke out between protesters and police in Paris. Footage showed violent arrests and seemingly arbitrary violence against bystanders. According to a 2016 survey by Cevipof, 70% of police officers voted for the far-right.

In Lyon, right-wing mobs marched through the streets, attacking opponents. Similar incidents occurred in other cities as well.

Although France's far-right did not win the elections outright, they are far from losers. The National Rally achieved their highest electoral results ever. France's far right was on the verge of taking political power for the first time since World War II.

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Forward from: Working Class History
On this day, 28 June 1969, the Stonewall rebellion began in the early hours. The New York Police Department, as part of its policy of closing gay bars, raided the Stonewall Inn, which had a substantial poor and working class LGBT+ clientele. However, for the first time in the city, rather than submitting to arrest, a crowd began to gather around the police. Inside the bar, gender nonconforming people, trans women and lesbians began resisting invasive body searches. Outside, a butch lesbian fought back against police when they arrested her, calling on the crowd that had formed to “do something.” According to some eyewitnesses and her own account, this individual was Stormé DeLarverie, a biracial lesbian and drag performer, who was known as a “guardian of lesbians” in the Village, although this is disputed by others who point to the fact that the only police record for a lesbian arrested that night was of a Marilyn Fowler.The crowd, which included a significant number of Black, Latine, and white LGBT+ patrons and passersby, then began to physically fight the police, triggering riots that lasted for six days. Those involved in the disturbances included activists like Marsha P. Johnson and John O’Brien, popular folk musician Dave Van Ronk, as well as many others.In the aftermath, participants and other LGBT+ radicals set up the Gay Liberation Front, which revolutionised the gay rights movement. They organised anniversary protests on June 28 the following year in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and elsewhere. This became the annual Pride celebration that continues to this day all over the world.In our podcast episodes 25-26, participants in these events tell their story. Listen wherever you get your podcasts or here on our website: https://workingclasshistory.com/2019/05/13/e21-22-the-stonewall-riots-and-pride-at-50/To access this hyperlink, click our link bio then click this photo

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Despite military patrols on Kenya’s streets, the anti-government uprising continues, ignited by suffocating IMF-backed tax reforms. President William Ruto rescinded plans for the bill, but failed to quell the protests, which have now escalated beyond tax issues.

Following the peak of the protests on Tuesday, which saw at least 20 protesters killed, current mobilizations are smaller, primarily due to the heavy police and military presence. Nonetheless, clashes have erupted again.

Police fired rubber bullets and tear gas at protesters. Ruto vowed on Tuesday to quash the unrest “at whatever cost.” Organizers dismissed Ruto’s reversal as “Too Little, Too Late” and are calling for the president’s resignation.

The Communist Party of Kenya (CPK), at the forefront of the protests, declared, “The blood spilled on the streets of Kenya lies squarely in the hands of the IMF, the World Bank, and their local puppets led by President Ruto in Nairobi.” The CPK warned, “Ruto resign or be overthrown.”

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BREAKING: Kenyan protesters have broken through police barricades and are storming the parliament.

The protests have intensified after police opened fire on protesters, as they approached the parliament where a hated IMF-backed Finance Bill is being voted on. Protests have been ongoing for days, with at least one protester dead as a result of police violence.

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Arrepentidos de Milei (@ArrepentidosLLA)
Nunca antes visto. La policía patrulla por toda la ciudad intentando evitar cacerolazos

Forward from: vx-underground
Yesterday The New York Times unveiled that General Motor's had accidentally enrolled millions of people into its "OnStar Smart Driver+" program. If consumers chose to not enroll through the phone app – it would do it anyways.

Unenrolling requires consumers to contact OnStar customer support line. However, some people do not trust them and have turned to stripping the electronic devices from their car.

The OnStar Smart Driver+ data was being sold to LexisNexis, and insurance companies, to modify insurance rates. The data sold was invasive and logged:

- Number of trips
- Miles driven
- Minutes driven
- Hard-brake vents
- Rapid accelerates
- Speeding events

The reporter from the New York Times requested a copy of their data and received it. See attached image.

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