Dear followers of "INTELLECT" Global forum,
Due to the high interest across the globe, We have successfully managed to select more than 10 international delegates around the world!
Here is the welcome message of our international delegate! Our beloved participant is sharing his expectations and warm wishes to our official participants and followers!
If you want to be the part of unique and international community of intellectual minds, do not miss your chance!
Apply Now! This is the project of the best team of organizers! We bet!
To Apply 👇
"Intellect" word to
@intellectforumuz Telegram profile and get registered!
Participation fee is only 30.000 soums! All participants will get verified international certificate and recommendation letter!
We have only one English committee: WORLD DIPLOMACY
Follow us in Telegram:
@intellectforum ——————————————————————-
Qadrli yoshlar,
Dunyo yoshlarini bir platformada yig'ishni maqsad qilgan, ulkan tajriba va xalqaro mutaxassislikka ega "INTELLECT" Butunjahon yoshlar forumiga qiziqishning yuqoriligi sabab, 10dan ortiq xalqaro yoshlar bizning forum a'zosiga aylanishdi!
Quyidagi forum ishtirokchisi O'zbek yoshlari va dunyo hamjamiyatiga o'zining iliq tashakkuri va albatta forumdan kutilajak yangiliklar haqida fikrlarini yetkazmoqda!
Agar siz ham, bizning xalqaro forum rasmiy ishtirokchisiga aylanmoqchi bo'lsangiz hoziroq
"INTELLECT" so'zini
@intellectforumuz Telegram profiliga yoki (spamda)
@intellectyouth_bot ga yuboring va ro'yxatdan o'ting!
Qatnashish badali atigi 30.000 so'm (oldingi badal 40.000 so'm)!
Qo'mitalar soni 4ta bo'lib, o'z ichiga Liderlik, shaxsiy brending, jahon siyosati va chet elda bepul o'qish va ishlash kabi amaliy sohalarni qamrab olgan! Hozirgacha 350dan ortiq yoshlar ro'yxatdan o'tdi! Keyingisi siz bo'lishingiz mumkin!
Bizni Telegramda kuzatib boring 👇