April 25, 2021. SEEKING: Friends of this Traveling Tabernacle! INTUITIVE DISPATCH volunteers requested. Each day we bring daily aid, safe food, and emergency supplies to severely disabled neighbors while broadcasting Intuitive Public Radio using Telegram messenger. You are invited to co-host and talk with us about your projects (if desired!). Enjoy mobile community collaborations, save lives, prevent homelessness, relieve suffering, and co-create income streams. Contact
t.me/maxmorris &
t.me/s/intuitivedispatch right away for most up-to-date information. • Dispatchat:
https://t.me/joinchat/ItrgUFY8oJA3M2Rh • 20210425-165529 • Intuitive, Inclusive:
https://t.me/s/IntuitiveDispatch/4 ••