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[ to all my mutual ba or anyone who saw this message, may i ask you guys to please forward this message to your channel? thank you in advance! ]

Akhirnya @irindescent open. Untuk sekarang baru tersedia 3 slot nih! Dan karena ini pertama kali gue buka, jadi untuk tanggal 20 - 26 November ada potongan harga 50% untuk semua type gambar dan semua size (headshot, bust up, waist up). Lumayan banget kan??? Jangan lupa dibaca dulu do's & dont's nya dan kasih tau detail detail nya biar sesuai sama ekspektasi kalian. yuk jadi testi pertama di @irindescent!

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[ to all my mutual ba or anyone who saw this message, may i ask you guys to please forward this message to your channel? thank you in advance! ]

setelah sekian lama akhirnya @sconery debut juga nih. omong omong mumpung lagi grand opening bakalan ada promo. MULAI DARI TANGGAL 20 SAMPAI 23 NOVEMBER SEMUA ALL CATALOG BAKAL DAPAT POTONGAN HARGA 3.000 SETIAP ITEM. lumayan kan? nah tunggu apalagi buruan cek TnC first. dan jadi testi pertama di @sconery! i will be waiting for orders from all of you, see you customer! 😮😮🤍🤍.

Hlooo, gue buka buat 3 slot dulu.
Jangan lupa '' rel='nofollow'>do's and dont's sama '' rel='nofollow'>pricelist nya ini yg '' rel='nofollow'>chibi

List of testimonials in the comsect.

Catalogue and price list are in the comsect.

For telegram x user:

⋆ Payment will be made in advance (after showing a rough sketch) to avoid HnR. Payment is made via DANA, gopay, and indosat (+2k)

⋆ Please note that @irindescent will not issue refunds for any reason, (unless purely my fault).

⋆ The commission results can only be used for personal purposes.

⋆ Revisions can only be made a maximum of 2x. The rest will be charged as much as 1K/revision.

⋆ Please take a look at the list of things I can/can't draw.

⋆ The time used for commissioning is 1-10 days depending on the level of difficulty and admin's busyness.

⋆ I have the right to freely refuse the order if it is not within my means.

⋆ Don't forget to subscribe @irindescent first so you don't miss any other info 😉

📚 Turning page by page, and see what the shit in it.

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