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روى ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم: «مَا مِنْ أَيَّامٍ الْعَمَلُ الصَّالِحُ فِيهَا أَحَبُّ إِلَى اللهِ مِنْ هَذِهِ الْأَيَّامِ» يَعْنِي أَيَّامَ الْعَشْرِ، قَالُوا: يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ، وَلَا الْجِهَادُ فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ؟ قَالَ: «وَلَا الْجِهَادُ فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ، إِلَّا رَجُلٌ خَرَجَ بِنَفْسِهِ وَمَالِهِ، فَلَمْ يَرْجِعْ مِنْ ذَلِكَ بِشَيْءٍ» أخرجه أبو داود وابن ماجه وغيرهما.


It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “There are no days during which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days,” meaning the (first) ten days of Dhul- Hijjah. They said: “O Messenger of Allah! Not even Jihad in the cause of Allah?” He said: “Not even Jihad in the cause of Allah, unless a man goes out with himself and his wealth and does not bring anything back.”


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Forward from: Naqshbandi Haqqani

Men attend to Women for two reasons, SEX, and LOVE, but in most cases, men do not Marry for Sex or for Love, they marry for STABILITY.

Let me explain

A man can Love you and not Marry you.
A man can have sex with you for years without marrying you. But immediately he finds someone who brings stability in his life, he marries her.

What I mean by Stability is "Rest of Mind"
I have seen some guys who made this statement "I love this lady but I don't think I can spend the rest of my life with her."

Men are visionaries when they think about marriage, they do not think about wedding dresses, bridesmaids, anything that most of we Ladies thinks is fanciful.
They think whether this woman can build me a home,Can she take care of my kids and I,Can she give me rest of mind?.

Men don't like Ladies who gives them discomfort, This is why a man can stay with a woman for years and meet another in a month, then get married to her.

It's the stability they want.
Sex is a pleasure, love is an affection, RESPECT is Stability. may God bless you with good husband

Forward from: Naqshbandi Haqqani
The dangers of backbiting(gheebah) and gossiping (nameemah).

Alhamdulillah, lets remind ourselves of two great sins we usually found ourselves and see that it is nothing.
The first is backbiting.
Allah says in Qur'an,
Al-Hujurat 49:12
O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.
Backbiting a person is like eating his dead flesh.
An hadith of Abu hurayrah r.a saying,
I heard the prophet s.a.w saying,
Do not backbite one another, so we ask what is backbiting?
He s.a.w said to say something of your brother he dislike?
The sahaba asked what If it is true?
He s.a.w said that is backbiting and if it is a lie, then you have slandered him(buhtanw).
Saheeh by tirmidhee.
Anything a person does not want others to know and you speak it while he is not present is backbiting.

Nameemah(circulating gossip) is also a great sin.
Both backbiting and gossip and slandering, Allah does not forgive unless one ask forgivenes from the one he has violated.

The prophet s.a.w said,
The one who circulate gossp to divide people will not enter paradise. Saheeh bukhari.

To take a speech something to send to the other just to break them up or between husband and wife or friends or families.

The prophet s.a.w said,
Anyone who break between a mother and her son, Allah will break him with his loved ones on the day of judgement. Tirmidhee.
Let's love one another and speak good and positive of each other.
May Allah forgives us😭😭

Forward from: Naqshbandi Haqqani

Jannah is made with:
1. Bricks of Gold&Silver.
2. Its cement is of perfumed Musk.
3. Its chips are pearls and Yaqoot.
4. Its sand is Zafraan.

1. Jannatul Maawa
2. Darul Maqaam
3. Darul Salaam
4. Darul Khuld
5. Jannat-ul-Adan
6. Jannat-ul-Naeem
7. Jannat-ul-Kasif
8. Jannat-ul-Firdous

They will eat foods and fruits continuously up to 40 years. Every bowl will have a new taste. They will take eructation which will digest the food and there will be perfumed sweating for the digestion of water. There will be no urine and stool.

There will be gardens in Jannah. Every garden will have the length of about 100 year's journey.The shadow of these gardens will be very dense. Their plants will be free of thorns.The size of their leaves will be equal to ears of elephants. Their fruits will be hanging in rows.
Jannatul Mawa is in the lowest, Jannat-ul-Adan is the middle & Jannat-ul- Firdous is on the highest.
Those who love each other for the sake of Allah will get a pillar of Yaqoot, On which there will be seventy thousand (70,000) rooms.These will shine for the residents of Jannah as the sun shines for the residents of Duniya.

There will be rooms in Jannah in such a way that every room will have seventy thousand (70,000) dinning sheets.
On every dinning sheet 70,000 types of foods will be served. For their service 80,000 young boys will be moving around looking like beautiful scattered pearls.
One bunch of dates will be equal to the length of 12 arms. The size of a date will be equal to the big pitcher. These will be whiter than milk, sweeter than honey and softer than butter and free of seeds. The stem of these plants will be made up of gold and silver.
There will also be gardens of grapes. The bunches of grapes will be very big. The size of a single grape will be equal to a big pitcher. Someone asked, Ya Rasulullah (S.A.W): will it be sufficient for me and my family. It was answered, it will be sufficient for you and your whole tribe.

The dress of Jannah will be very beautiful. One will wear 70 dresses at a time. These will be very fine, delicate, weight less, having different colors. These dresses will be so fine that the body even the heart will be visible. And the waves of love in the hearts will also be visible. These dresses will never become old, never be dirty and will never tear.

There will be four canals in every Jannah.
1 Water
2. Milk
3. Honey
4. Sharabun Tahoora ( pure wine ).

There will also be three fountains in Jannah:
1. Kafoor
2. Zanjabeel
3. Tasneem

(& Age of youth will be like that of Prophet Isa 30/33 years)

If a person makes Du'a for Jannah three times, Jannah requests Allah that O, Allah; make his entry into Jannah.
And if a person makes Du'a for safety from Jahannum three times, The Jahannnum requests Allah that, O Allah; save him from Jahannum.
Please pass on and may Allah grand Firdous. Aameen
The Grave is calling......!
Grave is warning
"Listen very very carefully! Oh son of Adam! I'm full of darkness so bring with you the light of Salaat. I'm a place of fear, so bring
with you the peace of Al-Quran. I'm full of snakes and scorpions so bring with you the Sunnah of our Beloved Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam). I'm full of punishment so bring with you the reward of charity/sadaqah.
Fear ALLAH, more then you fear Death Remember Death, like you remember your Name. May Allah make us from among the people of jannah."

Forward from: Naqshbandi Haqqani

● Allah does not like liars [10/07/20]

“Allah‎ ﷻ does not like liars and there is hellfire for those who slander and defame. We are living in the end times anybody can say anything they want. Those who believe anything they hear are idiots. If there is something good, they do not believe it, but if it is something bad, they believe it. This causes fitna (discord), slander and defamation. Ghibah – talking behind a person about something they might have done, but if they have not it is worse. Even though you may backbite about the truth it is a sin, slander is much worse says Allah‎ ﷻ . The person who believes whatever they hear would be committing sin, they should research and if they do not, they are committing sin, they are with shaytan for no reason. In these end times good people are being attacked but Allah ‎ﷻ is with the good ones.

Therefore, do not be against Allah‎ ﷻ do not stand against Him be with Allah‎ ﷻ . Do not believe anything anybody says, do not look at their sins and mistakes, do not be an accomplice to their mistakes. Let their mistakes be for themselves so they may suffer the punishment for their evil works. Surely, they will suffer for it because people who do these things do not have Iman (faith) or religion. They want others to lack faith and get rid of their faith, we need to be careful in these end times and we need to look at everything carefully. We should be careful and protect ourselves and our Iman, insha’Allah. May Allah‎ ﷻ protect us, may we be with Allah ‎ﷻ and be amongst those whom He loves, not the ones he does not like. May He ‎ﷻ keep us away from habits and characters he does not like.”

-- Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Adil ق


Respect Your Parents



Forward from: Naqshbandi Haqqani

Forward from: Naqshbandi Haqqani
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.......
During Hazrat Ali's caliphate, it so happened once that two Arabs were travelling together through the sandy stretches of Hedjaz. At meal times they sat together on a convenient spot and opened their packages. One of them had five loaves of bread and the other three. They were about to eat their humble fare when came a stranger and after ceremonial salutations asked whether he might share their meal. "You are welcome, brother," they said, and they had a pleasant time together.

When the hour for parting arrived, the stanger gave them eight dirhams and asked them to divide it between themselves. To accept money in return for hospitality is viewed by the Muslims as inappropriate conduct, but the gift was presented so politely and in such a spirit that to refuse it would have amounted to being rude. Hence they accepted it.

Once the gift was accepted, they began to quarrel about how it was to be divided. The man who had five breads claimed five of the eight dirhams, but the one had three loaves was not willing to accept less than half the value of the gift. The money was not the question, it was a question of principle and none would forego his right. At last it was decided that they should approach the Caliph for a just and reasonable settlement.

Hazrat Ali listened to their narration attentively, pondered over it a while and then said to the man who had three breads: "Brother! Accept the three dirhams which your companion offers you, for, in reality, you don't have a right to even those three dirhams."

"O Caliph!" said the Arab. "It is not the money I'm quarelling for; it is my right that I seek. If it is proven reasonably that I deserve not a single dirham, by Allah, I shall have no complaint!"

"Then listen," said Hazrat Ali. "You had three breads and your companion had five, which makes a total of eight loaves and there were three of you to share them. Do you agree?"

"I do," said the Arab.

"Now, eight breads could not be divided equally in three shares without dividing them."

"Evidently impossible..."

"There you are," said Hazrat Ali, appreciating the remark by the Arab. "But the breads had to be divided in three equal shares and you did it in practice though not apprehensively. The simplest practical solution to this riddle is, let us suppose, each bread was cut into three equal pieces; therefore your three breads made nine pieces and your companion's five breads made fifteen. Thus making a total of 24 pieces and all of you ate 8 pieces each.

"Excellent!" exclaimed the Arab happily.

"Patience, brother," said the Caliph, while an amusing smile appeared on his lips. "Now, let us understand that you ate 8 pieces out of your nine and spared only one for the stranger. Your companion also ate 8 pieces out of his 15 and spared 7 pieces for the traveller. It is therefore just that he takes seven dirhams for his seven pieces that the stranger ate and that you take one dirham for your single piece."

"By Allah! Wa-Allah! You are the wisest of the men on earth," proclaimed the Arab and accepted his single dirham of the gift and left the court in joy.

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