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cross-cutting in programming

Background. Cross-cutting concerns are parts of a program that rely on or must affect many other parts of the system. They form the basis for the development of aspects. Such cross-cutting concerns do not fit cleanly into object-oriented programming or procedural programming.


albatt buni kanal a'zolari to'g'ri tushunadi degan umiddman nega chunki ba'zi narsalarga tekinga qilib bersak ba'zi narsalardan nimadir olishni istaymiz buni birinchi o'rinda inson sifatida va ikkinchi o'rinda dasturchi sifatida tushunishingiz xohlayman!

va ingliz tili da gaplshishni xohlovchilar yoki o'rganmoqchi bo'lganlar link ga xabar qoldiring

English dars o'tishni boshlaymiz ko'pchilikka,
bu odam boshiga 150 ming

men buni sinab ko'rdim va 1 oyda gapirishni boshladilar, albatta biroz fundamentlari bor ekanu lekin gapirishga va interview shu kabilar ingliz tilini ishlatishga qiynalayotgan ekanlar,

Bu boshiga online farmatda bo'ladi va qachondandir biz buni web formada shakillantiramiz

nega men ingliz tilida dars bermoqchiman buni dasturiy va foydaliy tarmoqqa aylantirish uchun

nega buni dasturlashni o'rganish uchun qo'llamayapman, chunki uni ma'sulyati va hamma ham dasturchi bo'lishi qiyin lekin hamma ishda ham ingliz tili qo'l keladi va bu har qanaqasiga yomon natijaga olib bormasligiga ishonaman!



In today’s fast-paced world, it’s common to feel overwhelmed by the constant stream of information and the demands of daily life.
Our memory often takes a hit as we juggle work, family, and various responsibilities.

But fear not! There are simple and enjoyable neurobic exercises that can give your memory a boost.We believe in taking a holistic approach to well-being, and these exercises are a great addition to your routine.

1.Switch Hands:
One of the simplest ways to wake up your brain and boost your memory is to switch things up.
•If you’re right-handed, try using your left hand for everyday activities like brushing your teeth, using the mouse, or eating.This activity challenges your brain and enhances connections between the right and left hemispheres, which can lead to improved memory and cognitive function.

2.Change Your Route:
We often get stuck in routine, taking the same route to work, for instance.Break the monotony and challenge your brain by taking a different route to your usual destinations.

Pay close attention to the new surroundings and landmarks. This spatial awareness exercise engages your brain and stimulates memory recall.

3.Try New Foods:
Exploring new tastes and textures is a great way to give your memory a boost.

When you taste something new, your brain is engaged in processing the unfamiliar sensations and flavors.Plus, it’s a delightful way to expand your culinary horizons!

4.Mindful Observation:
Take a few minutes each day to observe an object or a scene in detail. It could be a flower, a painting, or even a bustling street.Focus on every aspect, noticing colors, shapes, and patterns.Engaging in mind observation enhances your ability to concentrate and improves your memory over time.

5.Read Aloud:
Reading aloud is an excellent neurobic exercise. When you read aloud, you engage multiple senses – sight, sound, and sometimes even touch as you turn the pages.

This process helps in forming stronger memory connections related to the content you’re reading.

6.Do Puzzles:
Engage in puzzles like crosswords, sudoku, or jigsaw puzzles.

These games challenge your brain, improve problem-solving skills, and enhance memory. Make it a habit to solve a puzzle daily to keep your mind sharp.

7.Learn a new skill:
Whether it’s playing a musical instrument, learning a new language, or mastering a new recipe, acquiring a new skill is a fantastic neurobic exercise.
Learning something new creates new neural pathways and keeps your brain active, ultimately boosting your memory and cognitive abilities.

Incorporating these memory-boosting neurobic exercises into your daily routine can make a significant difference in your cognitive function and overall well-being.

At Warninger Chiropractic, we encourage you to embrace these simple and enjoyable activities to keep your mind sharp and your memory strong.

Remember, a little effort each day can lead to long-term brain health and a sharper memory.

Start today and enjoy the benefits of a more vibrant and resilient mind!

How Were the Pyramids Built Article Review by JForrest English.pdf

Good word to know✔️

Good phrase too


❓Bularni bilarmidingiz?

#fact 🤩

🍍Pineapples take two years to grow.


The first month of 2024 is about to end.

Look what you have done so far!

Passage 1: Tikopia

New words:

1.Generic-General-Common-Nasldan naslga o'tadigan, umumiy

2.Scrape-ishqalamoq, ko'chirib tashlamoq, artib tozalamoq

3.Soot-Qorakuya, dud, is

4.Pestle-Yanchgich, yanchuvchi narsa

5.Counteract-Aks ta'sir ko'rsatmoq, oldini olmoq, kamaytirmoq

6.Hue-Tus,rang; fikr, qarash
(•Hue and cry-Nolish va e'tiroz)


8.Chisel-Iskana(toshga o'yib yozuvchi asbob)
O'yib yozmoq, firibgarlik yo'li bilan pul olmoq;
Chiseller-firibgarlik yo'li bn pul oluvchi odam
The number of chisellers is increasing dramatically

9.Albatross-Albatross qushi; Boshiga bitgan muammo

10.Heartwood-Daraxt terisining eski markaziy qatlamlari

11.Mallet-yog'ochdan yasalgan bolta

12.Charcoal-pista ko'mir

13.Supine-Tepaga qarab yotgan, chalqanchasiga


15.Dip-Botirmoq, suvga solmoq, pasaymoq, tushmoq

16.Fortitude-Jasorat, courage, bravery, resilience

17.Fester-Yiringlamoq, gazak olmoq, yomonlashmoq, battar bo'lmoq

18.Forth-Tashqariga, Olg'a, oldinga

19.Temple-Chakka😊(Ibodatxona degan ma'nosi ham bor to'g'ri)

20.Fetch- Olib kelmoq, Sotilmoq

It's also a traditional method to fetch spiritual power protection and strength -Ruhiy kuch olish ma'nosida qo'llangan.

The most difficult question for me was not knowing a"Person's mana"-Prestige

It means a Person's mana-Moral authority😅 if you don't know this word you cannot find the true answer unfortunately😬

#Good luck
It is easier to learn from somebody and learn it again!

Most, if not all, - Hammasi bo'lmasa ham ko'pchiligi degan ma'noda.

It's one of if not the best explanations for this word.

•Most, if not all, Children tend to play games overwhelmingly.

•I use vigorous exercise to keep myself in shape

• I do vigorous exercise to keep myself in shape

Good news! From now on, you are able to communicate with ChatGPT

Mana shu joyida ehtiyot bo’ling, chunki hamma kino va qo’shiqni tinglash iymoningizni sindiradi!
Filter Dan o’tkanlari tafsiya qilinadi

Hyper-Vigilant ~ Juda hushyor degan ma'noda ishlatishimiz mumkin.

İrressistible ~ Yengib bölmaydigan,Daf qilib bölmaydigan.


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