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kalau merasa harinya buruk,atau pengen cerita tapi bingung cerita ke siapa boleh bgt cerita ke sini @mentalhealthy_bot ,disini kita bakal mendengar cerita kalian dan pastinya memberi solusi atau jalan keluarnya. don't worry we're here for u

🗣 : putri, who is the person who manages to make you smile every time? even though you are in difficult times?

He is Park Jisung, the man I admire at all times. a man who can make me smile and happy, I fight for him, I really love him. I don't want him to be hurt or sad, he is the source of my happiness. I love him more than anything. only him, who can make me like this. You can insult, berate, or hate me, I don't care. As long as there is Park Jisung, this strong and kind man is very important in my life.

Gua ingetin, kalo mau nyari masalah sama gua lebih baik mundurin aja dah niatan lo itu, hati hati nanti pas ujungnya lo yg nyesel. Gua disini cuman niat kita bisa jadi moots yg baik, eh kok tiba tiba lo nyari masalah sama gua. Lo kira gua sebodoh itu? Engga. Sekarang gua nanya, emg gua ada salah apa sama lo selama ini? Ga ada kan? Trs ngapain lo pake sok sok an ngepanas panasi gua dengan cara yg ga guna kaya gitu. Mau jadi superhero lo hah? Kalo lo gasuka sama gua n ch gua lebih baik unsubs skrng jg. gua gabutuh moots yg ga profesional kaya lo, gabutuh.


Buat yg sudah sfs main acc dengan saya, kalian ga perlu khawatir, karna semaksimal mungkin saya akan memberi feedback yg setimpal kepada kalian. Channel saya free unsubs, jadi saya minta tolong sekali lagi kalau kalian deak, leaving, atau unsubs ch saya, segera remove acc saya dari channel anda. Dan maaf untuk ch sq, ch rprl, side acc, nonchr, admin upsubs, saya tidak bisa berkomunikasi dengan kalian. Kalau kalian melihat saya tidak pernah ada untuk laporan diving, itu bukan berarti saya tidak diving ch kalian, kalau ada waktu, saya pasti akan melaksanakan kewajiban saya untuk diving ch kalian semua. Jadi saya mohon kerjasama nya ya. Oh iya, ch saya ga akan ngadain pembersihan y. Terimakasih dan maaf sebesar-besarnya🙏

Wdyt about putri?
  •   you look so cool, kinda intimidating, beautiful, swag vibes, and really scare me a little.
  •   you look very friendly, talkactive, jametiez girl, you caught my attention.
  •   Very pretty, elegant, and so cute. I think i have a crush on you.
  •   putri, you scare me, you look like a cold person and don't care about the people around.
173 votes

ㅤㅤㅤ Putri Varisha

A girl from heaven, with short hair and a very introverted personality. Wow, isn't that very interesting? Of course. Sometimes, her personality can make everyone confused, but that's what she is. In real life, she is not very attracted to men, except for one, Park Jisung. Only Park Jisung is able to make this introverted girl fall madly in love. Only Park Jisung made this girl happy in such a broken state. Park Jisung is a Korean artist from a group called NCT Dream. Again, this girl really can't control her own emotions, she's so messed up. It's as if the world can't let this girl live in peace, isn't that ridiculous? And everyone could have thought he was cheerful, but that wasn't true.

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