Jean's page :: open.

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Fantasising, Daddy raised a wild one with gold chains on her neck. Do remember, once I get villain of the scene. On this day, hotta than a flicky. We were driving right to the zone, and it held me for a long time.
order only : @z92robot ! 🦢🦢

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open, sini jadi testi pertama in comsect nya jèan. 😉

꩜. Jean's page :: testi in comsect, yea ! ♡

꩜. Jean's page :: CATALOG !

⤿: upsubs, REG.

⤿: upsubs, MA.

⤿: jaseb sfs only !

꩜. Jean's page :: happy shopping & don't forget to take format and send to our bot @z92robot.

꩜. Jean's page :: jaseb sfs reg !

100tap :: 1k 240tap :: 4k
180tap :: 2k

note, tidak berlaku kelipatan
♡ format in comsect

꩜. Jean's page :: upsubs MA !

50s :: 2k 120s :: 10k 200s :: 18k
75s :: 4k 130s :: 11k 250s :: 20k
100s :: 7k 140s :: 13k 300s :: 25k
110s :: 8k 150s :: 15k

note, tidak berlaku keliapan !
♡ format in comsect

꩜. Jean's page :: upsubs reg !

100s :: 3k 350s :: 9k 800s :: 19k
150s :: 4k 400s :: 10k 900s :: 20k
200s :: 6k 500s :: 12k 1000s :: 24k
250s :: 7k 600s :: 14k
300s :: 8k 700s :: 16k

♡ format in comsect

꩜. Jean's page :: REGULATIONS !

⋆ sabar, sabar dan sabar. !

⋆ boleh subs channel jean @jinniepage, boleh engga : sunah.

⋆ send format : fix order, tidak menerima cancel orderan. & send form only ke @z92robot

⋆ untuk menghindari hit and run, payment dilakukan diawal dan harus disertai bukti pembayaran.

⋆ jam kerja 07:00 - 21:00 WIB, jam take orderan 10:00 - 19:00 WIB. jika kamu ordering lewat dari jam 7 malam, maka saya akan take pesanan kamu pagi, esok nya. !

⋆ lamanya pengerjaan upsubs / jaseb tergantung dengan ::
- jumlah subs / tap yang di beli
- antrian orderan !

⋆ Jika menggunakan jasa upsubs/jasa sebar dari store kami, dimohon untuk tidak menggunakan jasa upsubs di tempat lain atau upsubs sendiri.

⋆ payment only via DANA !

⋆ inrush kena fee (2k)

꩜. Jean's page :: Throw you clothes, fueling the flame until we combust. Get too high when I'm high, leading us to lust for pleasure. We all know we cant help it. Tonight, baby! Put the lights on me.

꩜. Jean's page :: now @jinniepage's provide upsubs & jaseb sfs. come to our shop place and get you need here, before buying our catalog, please read our regulations here!

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