For the record: I am not anti-Slavic, I have stated literally countless times that I believe in White racial unity, the necessity of a shared racial consciousness for all people of European descent, and that I (obviously) consider Slavic peoples to be White.
The only counter to this is screenshots of unserious groupchat banter and statements from Sewell which were misinterpreted. Sewell was advocating for European expansion, not Slavic genocide. Also I disagree with him that changing the borders within Europe is necessary or relevant to that end, but even still its still fundamentally misinterpreting his remarks to characterise them as harbouring genocidal intent towards Slavs.
We have people of Slavic ancestry in our organisation, we welcome them. That should say it all. In terms of genetic similarity there is no people on Earth more similar to 'Germanic' (NW European) peoples than 'Slavic' peoples. We are one race. Many of these Slavic nations were the allies of the Germans in WW2, the idea that National Socialism is necessarily hostile to Slavic peoples is ahistorical.
Australians are an essentially Germanic people, other Europeans have immigrated here and assimilated, but we nevertheless have a specifically Germanic and even more specifically British identity. That is important to me, as a nationalist, any nationalist be they Polish or Ukrainian or Italian or whatever should find that perfectly reasonable just like I find their respective nationalisms reasonable and respect them genuinely.
As for National Socialism as an ideology being applicable outside of the German 20th Century context where it arose, I see no reason why its core principles have become outdated. National Socialism is fundamentally the notion that the highest value in politics should be loyalty to one's nation. Its repudiations of both liberalism and (proletarian) socialism, as well as its criticism and overcoming of conservatism, continue to provide a robust ideological orientation within the modern political paradigm. Its existential conception of life as struggle, its cultural racialism, its economic principles.. These all remain just as relevant today.
As for specifically Australian political history, I discuss it frequently and draw inspiration from it. But the reality is that Australia as part of the British Empire prior to 1945 was beset by the same ideological liberalism that weakened Britain to the subversive forces that drove us both into a suicidal war against the Germans and general national suicide in the 80 subsequent years. The Germans discovered the ideological solution to liberalism, we should have allied with them and followed their lead. Better late than never.