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🧃me - fat ratio required

They will never live this down
Joel Davis (@joeldavisx)
@MRobertsQLD If woke is dead why does your party feel the need to virtue signal about how not "racist" it is by running Indian candidates that can barely speak English? Quoting What’s News!? (@Whats_Newsss) So af...

2.6k 1 15 12 109

9.4k 5 108 47 171

Translation: "we don't want to be held accountable for our behaviour, so we're framing all criticism of us as irrational 'scapegoating' and making it illegal"

Because Jews never did anything wrong ever and people are blaming them for things for absolutely no reason other than irrational blind hatred.. riiiight

3.7k 1 32 34 145

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5.2k 3 128 6 275

There's a common take format with Nationalists where they will say words to the effect of "conservative X winning an election over leftist Y is actually bad for Nationalism because it will pacify the White masses from revolting against the system" or make arguments about particular issues of the day which imply something akin to this.

It's a retarded perspective for multiple reasons. First of all, the White masses are not on the brink of revolt, revolutions require major destabilisations of the economic system and capacity for the state to police its political opponents. Second of all, a leftist government won't push the masses to a radical mentality because it presents them with the false solution of voting them out. However if the Right is 'in power' and all these problems persist (which they will), this affords us with the opportunity to distinguish the necessity of genuine nationalist politics far more clearly.

Yeah the Left being in power makes White normies angry, but if all that translates into is Hunter Biden smoking crack memes and moaning about the price of groceries then it doesn't count for anything. Normies are fundamentally non-political goycattle, they don't have political agency, they aren't the source of change. They aren't the first to move, but the last, they cannot lead, they are led.

The source of change is within the politicised minority who actually engage with serious political discourse and think about things with a degree of ideological coherence. These people need to see Trump in power betraying them, they need to see Farage in power betraying them, etc - and they need to see people like us explaining exactly why they have been betrayed and articulating a more radical perspective which is the solution.

Every political conversation has a dialectical structure, this is why leftists equate conservatives with nazis, conservatives equate nazis with leftists and we equate conservatives and leftists with each other. And we want to impose our drawing of the dichotomy upon the discourse, which is far easier to do when conservatives are in power betraying White people rather than out of power pretending to be nationalists.

3.8k 1 54 41 278

Forward from: Barry Stanton
dont know why im never mentioned in this conversation. my case was one of the first high profile cases of censorship regarding this exact issue. i have been MEMORY HOLED LIKE 1984!!!

3.1k 0 30 12 145

Fuentes glazing Elon literally 5 days ago btw

4.9k 2 33 78 299

This whole “outmaneuvered” thing from Nick doesn't make any sense. I agree that Elon Musk has a political agenda, this is quite obvious. But is this political agenda a threat to us?

Should we be really at all concerned about Keir Starmer's Labour government being toppled lmao? Is the argument seriously that a Reform government would be somehow worse for Britain than a Labour government? By what metric?

So yes, conservative-populist elements are attempting to politically weaponise the paki rape gang issue against an incumbent government that hates White people to install a government that hates White people slightly less. And we need to be more concerned about denying these guys political leverage than about demanding justice for the most egregious crime committed against the English nation in recent memory?

Like it isn't like Labour is particularly anti-Zionist, Keir Starmer is married to a Jew and was installed as Labour leader in a Zionist coup against Jeremy Corbyn. Will it really make much material difference to Israel if Reform rather than Labour are in power in Britain? It's not like the British government determines Western policy towards the Middle East to any significant extent anyway, those decisions are made in Washington.

So why are we supposed to just stand down while conservatives are weaponising one of the key issues that British Nationalists have been raising since the 2000s against the Left? Raising awareness and demanding justice for our people matters more than these political machinations. Musk is trying to use us for his ends, we shouldn't be glazing him for it, but also we should seize the opportunity it affords us for our ends to raise the consciousness of our race.

There really is very little to lose here, which is why Nick's commentary is so vague and he can't nail down anything particularly concrete that we should be afraid of. So go ahead Nick and tell us, what are these dire consequences that we should fear from posting about paki rape gangs on twitter? Enlighten us. Let's see what you got.

4.1k 2 27 206 236

We will be doing the show tomorrow (Friday) night at 8:30pm AEDT

We'll see you all then

4k 1 3 4 109

This is the head you get when you breed jeets with their cousins for 10 generations

As repugnant as it is demonic

This thing shouldn't exist

4.4k 1 24 79 386

Basically, you can push anti paki rape gang discourse without sucking off Elon Musk. Crazy I know.

5.1k 2 13 65 298

The aspect of Fuentes' point which I agree with however is that we should not lend any assistance to Elon's attempts at patching up his reputation with prowhites after he h1-bolocausted it over Christmas with his pajeet immigration shilling. But of course his position in that debate was no surprise to anyone who's been paying attention, Elon has made it very clear where he stands - and it's with the Jews not us.

Nevertheless, we should still make hay while the sun shines on the paki rape gang issue.

4.3k 1 15 119 219

The Nick vs. Keith argument is pretty interesting. I had to side with Keith on this one. When zogservatives try to appropriate our talking points to mobilise Whites against Muslims, that doesn't mean we shut up about the problems with Muslims.

1. We don't want to give the Jew-approved voices a monopoly on the subject, very important prowhite voices talk about it in explicitly racial terms.

2. The Muslims are still our racial enemies, regardless of whether the Jew is trying to team up with them against us or us against them on any particular issue.

3. If we want to win the support of patriotic/conservative Whites in Western European countries to a radical prowhite counter-semitic message, we can't be soft on Muslims, or they won't respect us. Americans need to realise that anti-paki/anti-arab sentiment in these places is far more intense than it is in America and for good reason. We won't win their trust to listen to our talking points critical of Jewish power and influence if they perceive us as weak on this question while the kosher populists are taking the fight to them.

4.4k 1 34 101 277

The 👎 ratio on the above post is wild, all I can say is fair play to whoever is coordinating it lmao

3.7k 1 10 75 298

To all the other Nationalists who have a personal gripe with me: I don't give a fuck if you like me, but stay the fuck out of my way while I'm taking shots at the enemy.

If you don't like how I go about things, show me how it's done and do it better. And if it proves to actually be better I'll stop doing it my way and start doing it your way, because I just want to win. But in the meantime stay the fuck out of my way and focus on actually helping the movement advance.

If you put the personal over the political, you're a faggot, simple as.

4.9k 2 35 141 1.2k

5k 2 43 27 290

4.8k 1 58 31 203

Forward from: EAM Uncensored
We have chapters all across the country.

No matter where you are, there is something for you to do.

Join your local chapter and get active white man.

⚡️ Victoria

🐉 New South Wales

🐐 Riverina

🐺 Queensland

🐊 Northern Queensland

🐦‍⬛️ South Australia

🦢 Western Australia

🦁 Tasmania

2.8k 0 13 15 178
20 last posts shown.