A simple yet useful information for people using Android 15 and those who edit system components:
Android 15 jar files has dynamic codes at some places and if you edit those jar files using MT manager or similar tool then the pinpoint address will be changed for them resultant you may face bugs like power button rebooting the system or endless bootloop
Search for "invoke-custom" in jar and avoid editing the dex which contains these classes. (classes2.dex in framework jar and all dexes in services jar contains these codes)
If you just want to use modified apps in system normally then you can use following approach:
In framework.jar
Replace method:
.method public static blacklist getMinimumSignatureSchemeVersionForTargetSdk(I)I
.registers 1
const/4 v0, 0x1
return v0
.end method
For people who still want to edit those classes , use different ApkEditor or manager to deal with these things
Android 15 jar files has dynamic codes at some places and if you edit those jar files using MT manager or similar tool then the pinpoint address will be changed for them resultant you may face bugs like power button rebooting the system or endless bootloop
Search for "invoke-custom" in jar and avoid editing the dex which contains these classes. (classes2.dex in framework jar and all dexes in services jar contains these codes)
If you just want to use modified apps in system normally then you can use following approach:
In framework.jar
Replace method:
.method public static blacklist getMinimumSignatureSchemeVersionForTargetSdk(I)I
.registers 1
const/4 v0, 0x1
return v0
.end method
For people who still want to edit those classes , use different ApkEditor or manager to deal with these things