Appealing our warmest greeting to all of the wonderful essences out there. Heretofore May 10th is Oh My Girl's comeback,
we are calling everyone who glimpses this message to wield and scatter Oh My Girl's comeback twibbon that we have made. Here's the
link to access the twibbon, since there an animated version of it.
We will be incredibly delighted if you are voluntary to contribute to dedicating this delicate eternity or Oh My Girl's comeback by using the twibbon & hashtag ‘#DunDunDance’.
If some of you have difficulties or troubles when wielding the twibbon or if you have any questions, you could contact us on
@OMGPROJECT_Bot. We’ll gladly help you.
Last but not least, a dozen of indebtedness to all the establishments who have heartily contributed to this project. Thank you for a heap!
With love,
@MarkasArin &
@Yewonity. ♡