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🔒 A whisper message to ikugisaaki, Only he/she can open it.


kasilka: 10/10 KECE BGTBGT

zarayas: kayaknya seru, diajak ngobrol apa aja nyambung

rabela: sunrise

🔒 A whisper message to ikugisaaki, Only he/she can open it.

🔒 A whisper message to zeroazumii, Only he/she can open it.



Kasilka: 6/10

Zarayas: you look friendly and scary at the same time

Rabela: My Raspberry

🔒 A whisper message to zeroazumii, Only he/she can open it.


kasilka: 7/10

zarayas: cantikk, kamu keliatannya orang yang ga suka basa basi tapi nanti cerewet juga kalau udah deket

rabela: pigtails

📝 drop your @. and choose 3!

👤 ぅ.@raidnshogn Zarayas

👤 @utaime zarayas, rabela, arvaska

👤 @RoseAreRockie kasilka, zarayas, arvaska

👤 ★. @glennrdarsa kasilka, zarayaz, rabela

👤 @jeonwgoopark kasilka zarayas

👤 @iKugisaaki kasilka + zarayas + rabela

👤 @ZeroAzumii zarayas, kasilka,rabela, thnk u!

👥 7 people of 7 have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Forward from: ch bakal main di board

Forward from: kacheva am
haii ! bisa tolong fw ke ch kalian? aku buka jasa edit am, harga seikhlasnya pembayaran diakhir, ade aku mau beli seragam buat sekolah nya soalnya besok dia mau ke sekolah wajib pake seragam tapi mama aku gapunya uang buat beli seragamnya, okey makasii

Forward from: . 千反田 える
📝 drop your @. forra sfs main acc w/ @uhChitanda

👤 @iJSomsom

👥 1 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

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