So, some small news about library for the last time:
18.2.3 has been released with small fixes in middlewares side and adding of ExceptionsThrottlerTelegramBotMiddleware and I must warn you that it is mostly minor update
19.0.0 has been released with update of Ktor up to 3.0.1 and MicroUtils up to 0.23.0. Thanks for migration to
d1shin ❤️ and now I must warn you about
Ktor Migration Guide for Ktor 3.03.
20.0.0 has been released with support of
Telegram Bots API 7.11 and I must warn you, that they have added allow_paid_broadcast field (represented as allowPaidBroadcast in requests) which may spend your bot balance if it has any. So, be careful with passing of your trues without names. I even would like to recommend you to use named arguments for booleans anytime you may do it
It is all news about stability of library for today :D
P. S. Sorry, but I am trying hard to follow
semver at least in manner I understand it