Dē Cartels☆. nfw

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𝒜 girl who fell in love with a boy named Tom Holland and maybe with a boy named Zef tho. 𝒯his channel is the half of memories of Luna's life.

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* as always board result already on my archive @secartels

here bb, I have to sleep rn so goodnight all and sleeptight!

🔒 A whisper message to taehyug4n, Only he/she can open it.



☆ WILAY: your setup and your channel.

☆ rate setup: 1000/100 cool asf.


☆ tbh: gue sangat suka sama channel lo rapih simple, gue belum terlalu kenal sama lo dan belum pernah jbjb an kayanya yak, tapi gue sangat suka sama lo karena kece dan keren👍.

☆ random song: Arabella - CAS


☆ fi: kinda intimidating and bf-able myb haha.

☆ whisper message: under.

Forward from: ch bakal main di board

gue hargai yang ttp isi walaupun lo gamau atau gapaham atau apa tapi lo isi board gue, gue udah hargai lo.

📝 Kalau aku adain listening party kalian mau ngga?

Vandēxton J-Braidlèy @Taehyug4n: sound's great

rvg⁸ 𝐊ashiella @cMyyeon: bolee, bole bangett

Nini Heartley ♡: #Taədö𝗹𝗹 listening party itu apaaa??

Jeremy @keepyouwithme ㅤ: jujur gapaham

Rifnu Malik: sabi sabi aja

Arshabyla L. @issomii: itu konsep nya gimana lun....

Jusvin D'Rucker. @taehxyg: boleh

Off pc. Adelia 𝕿𝖑𝖇ᶠᵒ: Sabi

Lockey, ⱱgx129: mau mau

Jasir intirkth.bskth: Boleh

Regas @marklick: Mau

Raya the Last Dragon🐉: boleee

Kadesva Dabirole.: mau mau

rajen: mau AYOOO, keknya seru

371. Dio @Adiopratama: ་ヤᵎ. boleh, kyknya bagus

gENDA @vagenda: #vgd MAUUUU

👥 16 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board

A girl with her passion─


She is a girl that very beautiful,
have a very handsome lover,
fragrant, radiant, and very sweet.
Just thinking about what will
happen tonight, they simling
together. Tonight, they having fun,
dance, hand in
hand, cuddle, and
turn to kisses.
They realized that this happened
because they were making
memory sheets, with
passionate feelings,
this couple fell too deep
to each other. With feelings of
pleasure, love, and
lust, they spent the night well,


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