joorj : Jaemzar lightly kissing Gaga on top of a freshly formed bruise. + nyeremin, keliatannya kaya susah diajak temenan.
ajidan : keren banget + ⤵️
claresta : (as bromance) kenalin temen gua gaga. kita udh bagaikan sepasang sendal, iya kemana" bareng. dia orangnya humble bisa akrab sama siapa aja sebenarnya, cuma ya gtu udh biasa bareng sama gua jdi apa" bareng gua. sampe" orang bilang kalo kita pacaran. padahal mah kaga, apalagi si gaga yg ngeklaim dirinya still straight. + Them exploring each others' bodies, but not in a sexual way. Finding their different birthmarks, looking over each others' scars and sharing the stories behind them, running their hands over one another and just appreciating the feeling of the other person next to them.
george : ⤵️ + GGS
naufal : supermine + irene
atha : night ride date + date
arby : ch lu keren + fuck then kill
gera : 10/10 + Gaga is a talented pianist who meets Jaemzar and offers to teach them how to play, unaware that Jaemzar is already an equally talented pianist themselves. Jaemzar accepts so they have an excuse to spend time with Gaga but gets discovered one day when Gaga walks in on Jaemzar practicing some high-level music.
joorj : Jaemzar lightly kissing Gaga on top of a freshly formed bruise. + nyeremin, keliatannya kaya susah diajak temenan.
ajidan : keren banget + ⤵️
claresta : (as bromance) kenalin temen gua gaga. kita udh bagaikan sepasang sendal, iya kemana" bareng. dia orangnya humble bisa akrab sama siapa aja sebenarnya, cuma ya gtu udh biasa bareng sama gua jdi apa" bareng gua. sampe" orang bilang kalo kita pacaran. padahal mah kaga, apalagi si gaga yg ngeklaim dirinya still straight. + Them exploring each others' bodies, but not in a sexual way. Finding their different birthmarks, looking over each others' scars and sharing the stories behind them, running their hands over one another and just appreciating the feeling of the other person next to them.
george : ⤵️ + GGS
naufal : supermine + irene
atha : night ride date + date
arby : ch lu keren + fuck then kill
gera : 10/10 + Gaga is a talented pianist who meets Jaemzar and offers to teach them how to play, unaware that Jaemzar is already an equally talented pianist themselves. Jaemzar accepts so they have an excuse to spend time with Gaga but gets discovered one day when Gaga walks in on Jaemzar practicing some high-level music.