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Forward from: Abdulboriy | IELTS
#Reflection #Relationship

As I grow older, I find myself constantly observing and learning. We all know that nobody is perfect, yet in the heat of an argument, we almost always lose our composure and become fixated on accusing the other. Have you ever wondered why it’s always the other person who seems to be at fault? Isn’t it strange that we tend to see ourselves as innocent in most situations?

Ask yourself: do you really want to make the relationship work, or are you just trying to satisfy your ego at the expense of the relationship’s well-being? Is it truly possible that you're 100% right, while your partner or friend is completely wrong? Are you claiming to be flawless, like an angel?

Why, even for a moment, can’t you just let it go? Or at least sit down and acknowledge that both parties might have contributed to the conflict? Before an argument begins, why not remind yourself that the goal should be to understand the issue and resolve it, rather than to point fingers? Wouldn't that mindset lead to more positive and happy outcomes?

You’re probably familiar with the famous saying, "Amallar niyyatlarga bog'liqdur" (Actions depend on intentions). After thinking about it for a while, I’ve come to the conclusion that the results of your actions often depend on your true intentions as well. For example, if you’re arguing about who is guilty and who isn’t, it’s highly likely that the outcome won’t be desirable because both you and the other person will be too focused on pointing out each other’s flaws instead of solving the issue.

My point is: wouldn’t it be much easier to simply let it go, admit that both of you have made mistakes, and move on without worrying about who was "more wrong" in the situation? Just think about it.

⚡️ Abdulboriy IELTS ⚡️

Alone bilan lonelyni farqini chetda yurgan odam juda yaxshi his qilarkan.

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Biggest regrets of older people
1. if sth distasteful, stay away from it (Grandma, Canada)

2. I wanted to be an actor. This was my dream since I was in like elementary school. I was in all the school plays. I had a modicum of success, when I was in my late teens, early twenties. I was like sort of almost like on the cusp of making it. I guess I got scared. You know, I need to work, I need to support myself. I was the quintessential starving artist, I was sleeping on friends' couches, I was bartending, I was a server, whataver. Doing what I had to do so I can go on auditions during the day. And I kind of like gave up on that dream and got like the typical corporate 9 to 5 job. AND THAT'S MY BIGGEST REGREST IN MY LIFE (50 year old man, New York)


1. Live your life, Live in the present, Don't think about the past, think about the future.

2. Take your time before you choose what you are going to do in life

3. Try to look for perfection in everything you do. When you love, love to the full extent. When you work, give yourself to the full extent. When you want to do a project, never hesitate. Don't be afraid of making mistakes because this is how you learn.


Advice for young men who feel a little lost in modern life?

— redefine masculinity, you have to have icons and role models for that

— feel comfortable with yourself

— treating woman well

— be competitive

— channel testosterone, aggression to sports or sth

— you have to be smart, disciplined

— you have to take control of yourself

— don't boast, talk about what great things you've done

Dear students, you will make your teacher's job incredibly difficult if you:

❌Take their feedback personally,
❌ Get defensive,
❌ React emotionally,
❌ Reject their advice,
❌ Challenge their expertise,
❌ And worst of all—ignore it.

Instead, try this approach:

✅ Actively seek feedback,
✅ Analyze it thoughtfully,
✅ Apply it with care,
✅ Redo the task until both you and your teacher are satisfied.

Remember, your teacher has your best interests at heart. Never assume they aim to criticize or demean you. Their feedback is meant to fuel your growth, not frustrate your efforts.

Reminisce the good old days

2020 (watcing the QADAM in quarantine)

🔜 iTeach o’quv markazida tez kunlarda ertalab va kechki paytlarga INTENSIVE va ARZON NARXlardagi Beginner dan Advanced gacha bo’lgan Guruhlarini ochiladi.

💰 narxi: 300ming (Boshqa o’quv markazlarida Intensive kurslari narxi - 500-600 ming)

🔴 O’quv markazimizga keling va o’z joylaringizni band qiling.

Shior: Sizdan harakat, bizdan natija

P.S Darslar har kuni olib boriladi

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