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The Occult with the Teaching of the Thule Society
Official channel of bouncers dedicated to Aryanity, Esoteric Nationalism, Ariosophy, Gnosticism and Templar Mysteries.

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When it comes to the hierarchy of the intelligence community in the US and abroad, blackmail material is their currency. They use it and even trade it to buy the outcomes they want. The demoniacs we call “elites” actually VOLUNTEER to be blackmailed. This might sound like a confusing concept, but it’s true nonetheless. Some of the most wealthy, well-known, and “powerful” people in the world are compromised by blackmail material that they offered up in exchanged for a higher rank or position of influence within this network of elites. The people with true power exist behind the curtain, are spoken of very little in the media, and NOT in the public eye.

That’s why places like Epstein’s Pedophile Island, Bohemian Grove, and even Mar-a-Lago exist. People within these circles volunteer to supply their superiors with compromising material such as participating in child rape and snuff films as an “insurance policy” guaranteeing that they will never step out of line while in the public eye.

These demoniacs and their evil bloodline have been engaging in these practices for a very long time, since even before things like the Hell Fire Club and the Frankists. These demoniacs have an unbroken bloodline that has existed parallel to the Sanctorum Sanguinem since children were burned in the tophet as a sacrifice to their god Moloch. They are the Maledictus Sanguinem, the accursed blood, whose ancestors rejected the Logos, and sold their bloodline in perpetuity to the Demiurge. They are a race of demoniacs.

This collection of families are the descendants of an evil tribe that originated in ancient Sumer. This tribe of nomads migrated up the Euphrates during the Akkadian period, then down through Canaan following the Jordan River and its tributaries. They wandered into Egypt around 1650 BC, infiltrating and subverting ancient Egypt until they were deposed in the first ever holy war between the cult of Set and the cult of Amen.

Since then they have repeated this pattern of infiltration and subversion, existing parallel and in opposition to the ancient Atlantean/Aryan royal lines. Today we know this tribe as the Jews. Their weapons are blackmail, deceit of all kinds, economic slavery, etc. But those weapons become useless to them if we understand them and know how to parry their attacks. Especially the tactic of blackmail, blackmail doesn’t work on someone with nothing to hide, someone who lives a righteous life.

Understanding our ancient enemy is half of the battle. Understand their evil, and you will understand how to defeat them. Evil is defeated by righteousness, lies are defeated by truth.

Hail Victory!


I want our subscribers to understand how the blackmail game works in the swamp we call the “intelligence community”. The intelligence community is not bound by borders or principalities, they are an entity unto themselves with many compartmentalized levels that get more and more deranged the higher up it goes. We activists, and operatives within the political movement called “white nationalism” or whatever you want to call it, need to live our personal lives like saints, not only to lead by example and practice what we preach, but also to avoid giving the enemy leverage to manipulate us. This is something they are very good at.


Aryanism and Esoteric Nationalism is a fledgling religion. We have our own prophets and martyrs as well as our own complex esoteric doctrines. We are also under persecution, our religion was forged in the crucible of world wars, and our adherents are routinely slandered, harassed, threatened, arrested, and even assassinated. But in spite of this persecution and millions of lives extinguished in an attempt to destroy us, we continue to thrive in a growing underground movement that has spread since the cataclysm of World War II. Like other persecuted religions we will spread our ideas to those who desire a fresh perspective and answers to the problems of the day. We have those answers, we know the truths they wish to hide, they have failed to persecute us into oblivion, and they can’t hide the truth forever.


Since the end goal of Siege-Accelerationism is the satisfaction of these deviant urges, ignoring all duty to the wellbeing of our vulnerable and beautiful women and children, then it cannot be an Idealistic movement. If it is not Idealist, then it is not National Socialist. Rather, it is an egoist power fantasy born in the minds of mentally ill men given access to the corrupting effects of Jewish pornography. One has only to ask them about their views on rape to confirm this, although any negative contact is likely to invite a barrage of gay, bestiality, and snuff porn.

Besides its base origins in mental illness and addiction to extreme pornography, Siege-Accelerationism takes certain ideological forms and intellectual positions. The first is ‘Might is Right.’ Usually in nationalist circles this phrase is understood as an observation; physical force is the final authority which will determine whose worldview dominates. However, certain circles have perverted it into a value in itself, that, channeled through whatever egoistic desires one has, violent domination is its own end.

The second is ‘Inversion.’ The reason Siege-Accelerationists are racist without the corresponding Idealism is because racism is diametrically opposed to what the system values – the enemy that prevents them from realizing their power fantasies. The same goes for rape and the entire cringe-inducing ‘evil bad guy’ aesthetic. These things have no relation to our racial struggle, they are simply the opposite or inversion of whatever values the system professes. It should be noted that Inversion is a central tenant of Satanic philosophy, second only to Egoism. While many may not call themselves Satanists, their worldview is inherently Satanic, and the history of contemporary Satanic movements like O9A are intertwined with the history of their movement.

Which way white man?


On the Spiritual Depravity of Siege-Accelerationism (Part 2/2)

Nowhere will you find a more intense hatred of the Idealist-Chivalrous worldview than among Siege-Accelerationists. In its place you will find a glorification of rape, brutality, and destruction as such. A desire to subject everyone and everything to a brutal and violent domination, not only racial aliens but also any white deemed weaker than themselves. With regards to women and children it manifests as a sadistic impulse for defilement and degradation combined with a remorseless dehumanization – of the very people we have a duty to save.


He went on to say that anyone who doesn’t want their young daughters and sons engaging in the worst sort of sexual degeneracy is a “jerk” (5).

What is the difference, if any, between National Socialism and Siege-Accelerationism? Both agree the political-economic system that dominates the west is an enemy of the white race, and both welcome anything that would accelerate the collapse of this system. Furthermore, both agree that violence is a morally acceptable method of achieving the destruction of the system, although disagreements may arise as to how effective it is at this point in time.

National Socialism is an extrapolation of the fatherly masculine function to the realm of politics; to protect and provide for the white race, to lead white families from destitution into health, wellbeing, and nobility. There is no greater desire for the masculine state than to preserve the safety and honor of its women and children. Adolf Hitler called for an Idealist worldview, one which values individual sacrifice for the good of the racial community. The moral code that embodies this worldview is chivalry; wherein constructive discipline is applied inwards to the racial community and destructive domination is applied outwards to racial enemies; just as the knights of old would grace women and children with a gentle and honorable conduct but subject their opponents in battle to devastating violence.


On the Spiritual Depravity of Siege-Accelerationism (Part 1/2)

I will define Accelerationism as a unique worldview of a segment of racially aware political dissidents. It can be identified primarily by adherence to and glorification of Siege by James Mason, along with the protagonist of that book; Charles Manson. It should be noted here that James Mason lived with, groped, and took pornographic photographs of 15-year-old girls (1), and associated with the author of the Satanic Bible Anton Szander Lavey (2). Charles Manson led a cult that participated in drug use, promiscuity, group sex, gangbangs, sex with minors, prostitution, and self-mutilation. He personally had sex with girls as young as 14-years-old (3), and pimped out young white girls, including 16-year-old Leona Rae Stevens (4). Even Mason implicitly admitted there was ‘sex stuff’ going on there: “Same goes for sex practices as long as it is kept WHITE, just as Manson insisted.”


Furthermore it will be demonstrated that there is actually a global cover-up of the truth regarding these statements, and that there is a carefully designed disinformation campaign at work to dissuade people from uncovering the truth about the ancient Aryans and their closest descendants…the modern European Caucasian. But most importantly the disinformation campaign has been designed to fracture the solidarity of the white/Aryan race, so as to rob us of our destiny as the pinnacle of human evolution and the leaders of the world.                                                                                                                  
This treatise revisits and revises the occult understanding of the history of human civilization, and more importantly the history of the Aryans. We will explore how, since the ice age humankind has struggled to recreate this golden age of human civilization. It will also be shown how the knowledge of the ancients being passed down to occult initiates throughout history have molded civilization into what it is today. We will also discover who the closest relatives of this ancient root-race are, and reveal the controversial truth of racial identity. I hope that everyone who reads this treatise (white and non-white both) can explore these theories with an open mind and come to an un-biased opinion regarding the conclusion of this forbidden history.     


In the span of less than a hundred years humans went from riding on horseback to space flight and since have experienced a population explosion unprecedented in human history. Paradoxically these achievements seem to coincide with a time when western civilization began to actively seek out knowledge of ancient civilizations through the study of archeology. How did Western civilization acquire our technological age so quickly?  Is this leap forward in evolution merely technological or is it biological as well? And may a similar evolutionary leap have occurred in the distant past, during a period of humankind’s prehistory?                                                                   
Many of us are familiar with ancient legends from various cultures around the world concerning a golden age of humankind. These legends are accompanied by legends of a lost civilization which had great technological and mystical power, accounts of flying machines and ancient and terrible weapons, which could destroy entire civilizations. Many of these legends are accompanied by accounts of a dynasty of “God Kings” which ruled over humankind in ancient times and that this civilization was destroyed in a great cataclysm. These legends have been passed on for untold ages and were written down millennia ago by the ancient civilizations of the Celts, Britons, Greeks, Egyptians, Sumerians, Iranians, Hindus, Chinese, Japanese, Mayans, and Aztecs, Incas, etc.                                                    
These legends are so consistent and so widespread throughout human culture that it has led many to speculate that there was indeed once a highly advance civilization on this planet in prehistoric times, and that some catastrophe destroyed this civilization and wiped away much of the evidence that it once existed. This global cataclysm is believed to have plunged humankind into the darkness of ignorance for over ten millennia, yet intrepid explorers, archeologists, and theorists have discovered and catalogued a great deal of evidence which indicates that this civilization once existed.                                                                 
This ancient empire, known by many names like: Atlantis, Avalon, Aztlan, Atala, Thule, Hyperborea, Hy Brazil, etc. was the cradle of human civilization. Yet this fabled land as well as much of its extended empire, was nearly destroyed in a great global cataclysm. The true knowledge of this history has been kept and protected for millennia by ancient esoteric priesthoods and secret mystery schools around the world, yet only made its resurgence into popular culture due to the efforts of the adherents of Theosophy and Ariosophy, then later occult societies such as the so called “Vril” and “Thule” societies. Their inevitable conclusions regarding a racial hierarchy led to the rise of the National Socialist German Workers Party and the greatest war in recorded history.                                                                
After the war, this school of thought was demonized, and became the subject of an academic smear campaign designed by the victors of the war. Yet a sober examination of their philosophy absent preconceived notions regarding the National Socialist (Nazi) cause reveals the simple truth, that humankind was once far more advanced than we are now, and more interestingly that some of the members of this ancient root-race may have escaped the cataclysm which destroyed their civilization with their advanced knowledge intact, and most importantly that these ancient people were Aryan.                               
Of course, this “Ancient Aryan Theory” is no longer “politically correct;” yet even though it may not be considered in line with the political status quo, it will be proven to be correct within this treatise.



During the twentieth century humankind witnessed the quickest leap in human knowledge and technology ever in recorded history. Since the oldest known records of civilization, advanced societies have risen and have fallen, but none have advanced so rapidly as western civilization.  For thousands of years humankind existed in mostly agrarian societies and teetered between a world population of 500 million to 1 billion. Empires would rise and fall making great achievements in architecture and culture, yet none so profound nor as rapid as what western civilization has achieved in such a short period of time since the colonial period.  


To some, this information will seem so outside the norm of what they have been taught their entire lives that they will choose to reject it, out of cognitive dissonance or the fear of having to confront a false world view that many if not most have held since childhood. Within this work many of your most cherished beliefs about history, about your place in this world, and about the moral fortitude of your leaders (both on the left and the right) may be challenged. The lies, which predominantly white/Aryan nations have been indoctrinated to hold true through social engineering for decades will be dispelled like an evil mist before your eyes and you will be set free of the psycho-spiritual prison in which you now reside…if you choose to accept it.                                               
This acceptance will require a total paradigm shift for most, a radical mental reprogramming that can make the most powerful of men cower in fear…fear of the radical kind of change that will bring about a total transformation of one’s way of life, ones relationship with others, and how one views their place in the world. Likewise, if you choose to accept and proclaim the truth within these pages you will find yourself amongst the growing ranks of social pariah unable to express the truth locked inside them to family, friends, or the public at large without fear of being alienated or even persecuted for attempt to share their enlightenment. Though with every courageous step you take toward the light of truth you will come closer to a complete understanding of who you are, and your glorious destiny as a descendent of the Aryan race!                                             
And to those readers who are already a part of the Pan-Aryan movement, this work will serve as the foundations of a new mythos for our people that can unify Pagan and Christian alike. This is the doctrine that our race so desperately needs, which has the power to unify the factions under a single comprehensive ideology and radical philosophy. Without it, we have no hope of unifying our people, and thus no hope of saving our people from our inevitable extinction. Join me in heralding this new dawn for our people and awakening the spirit of European Aryans everywhere, from the lowest walks of life to the highest. Hail Victory!!!


Caveat Lector:
This work is written as a gift for modern descendants of the European Aryan race and is based on a lifetime of study and profound contemplation by the writer. But reader beware, the information within this treatise is of a nature known in toto only to a handful of people in this world. Amongst the information within this treatise is of the most esoteric and occult nature concerning Atlantis the ancient Aryan race and the Third Reich. The powers that be have attempted to keep this truth in utter secrecy since the destruction of The Third Reich and have gone to great lengths to demonize the school of thought associated with these secrets. They have since attempted to skew the truth by creating a popular culture of fantasy designed to conceal the true nature regarding the history of the ancient Aryans and their modern rebirth as a culture.    


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