PD. | Limitless

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I am limitless. Glass is always half full

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Sometimes people we like may not like us back and it is not something that we can control.
If you don't appreciated enough, just move on. Because if a person truly loves or likes you, they will do everything to keep you in their life. But if they don't like you, nothing you do matters to them.
Try to concentrate on people who love you like your parents, siblings or friends.

1 oyda 6 ta pora bilan ushalgan hokim o'rinbosarlari yoki boshqa amaldorlar.

We are doomed💀

One of the best movies that can represent the mental state of a man

Forward from: The pursuit of happyness
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From my school and university experience:
high grades = extreme pressure
I always tried to be TOPPER in school and in 1st year in university, but I didn't get any benefit.

Better to focus on career and just study not to get too low marks

Looks matter, always mattered, and will always be mattered, the rest is just a delusion

Hated by whole world and still remains undefeated for 14 centuries. That's how you know Islam is the true religion.

What are you afraid of losing,
When nothing in the world
actually belongs to you.

Health is true wealth.
Ignore society's expectations.
Live your own truth.
Memories and experiences really matter.
Hold on to relationships with your loved ones.
Try not to get caught up in the drudge of life
Be honest with people
Find your tribe

Forward from: Девонайи Ҳақгўй
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Келажакда саволга жавоб бера олмасак керак…


Bodomzor, Teleminora☁️

Ayam yoshliklarida, Abiliksga o'xshab qaritmaydigan damlamaga tushib ketishgan😁

Taking life too serious, not like anyone makes it out alive

Every boy's first ever perspective of beauty and love is a mother.

Mas'uliyatli fuqaro bo'lib kecha hamma partiyalarni maqsad-vazifalarini o'qib chiqib, bugun XDPga ovoz bermoqchi edim, keyin qarasam ovoz qog'ozim uyga borgan ekan, dadam O'zLIDEP nomidan deputatlikka nomzodlarini qo'yishgani uchun mani ovozimni ham O'zLIDEPga berib yuborishipti.😐

Virtuous and vicious every man must be,
Few in the extreme, but all in a degree.
— Winston Churchill, biography.

No-one has ever changed the world by doing what the world has told them to do.

Everyone is trying to find the right person, but nobody is trying to be the right person.

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