🔒 LKXCompany - (General Updates 21/12/2024) 👑
Secured contact using TG:
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Link of available mirrors to connect:
https://lkx-mirrors.net/🕯 We recently upgraded the full (
LKX) network meaning new methods have arrived powerful more than ever.
🎁 Proxy system for both of our networks (
Layer4 & Layer7) was updated currently a pool of (
20,000) every agent is legitimate without any bad scores.
🫦 All networks were recently updated and performing better than ever !!!
⬆️ Random (LKX) method & flood status:
🟢 Our old amazing phantom (
(HTTP/1 + TLS 1.3) flooder is capable of pushing (
10,000) stable requests, bypassing
HTTP-DDOS rules by
99% !!!
LKX'S Amazing warrior (
UDP-PPS) is capable of pushing (300 MBPS, 300,000 Packets PPS) just per 1 concurrent bypassing many variants of (Games/Homes Networks)
🟢 Our amazing agent (
TCP-SYN) is capable of bypassing many advanced protections pushing from (2.5 - 3 GBPS) per 1 slot attacked.
💥 We only showcased (10%) of our amazing bypasses it gets better within any attack flood & method.
🛍SEO Ignore:
lkxstress, lkxstresser, ip address, zombie, botnet test, ddos protection, cloudflare, layer7, layer4, dstat, block ddos, chrome browser, browser, tls lkx, lkxstresser, lkxstress, botnet attack