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Psalm 23:1 ❤

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23rd January, 2018

Acts 7:24
"And seeing one of them suffer wrong, he defended and avenged him who was oppressed, and struck down the Egyptian"

How many of us are willing to offer a helping hand to those in need, those in oppression, the depressed, those who have lost their hope🤷🏽♀? How many of us can stand up for the defense-less? There are so many things happening in this world and what are we as Christians doing about it🤔? Prostitutes all over the place, some being forced into it, some being pressured into it. Some even so young you cant even believe it. Children, women being abused all over this world, poverty hitting people so hard in their face and what do we do about it🤔? It is possible that we may not be able to help these people physically but we can support them in prayer. We can stand strong and pray to our Father and say Lord! deliver them, Lord! save them, Lord! heal them.  And that is how we can defend the defense-less. We don't necessarily have to kill someone like Moses did in the verse😅 but we can stretch out a helping hand to them through our prayers. Be willing to help someone out there today!



Good morning💃🏽

20th January, 2018

1 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.

I'm sure when most of us were young one thing we were scared of was the dark👻. I'm a victim😅😰. As we grow we start to realise that there is no need to be afraid because there is actually nothing there. That is how our lives as Christians should be. We must not fear any power, principality, or anything that tries to hurt us because it is written, Yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for Thou art with me. We serve a mighty God whose footstool is the earth so let me ask who shall we fear? I heard a testimony of a pastor who went to bed with his family. In the middle of the night he heard his TV turn on so he went to check. When he got there he saw a demon watching the TV and guess what he said "oh its you when you are done turn off my TV and leave" and he went back to bed. I was like😧 so if It was me what will I have done😅. The tongues I would have sprayed all over the place😂. We must never belittle our God. We must fear nothing and no one for he has given us power love and a sound mind.

Have a beautiful day🤗



19th January, 2018


Where do you stand with the Lord.

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."
Galatians 5:1
The above verse encourages us to stand fast or in other words be strong where you stand in the Lord. You see in your walk with God, that's if you have one, you need to re-check and see where you stand. Are you really living the life that Christ died for you to live. Wasn't His death enough to take you into a new life with a new purpose. If you're reading this and you don't know where you stand with the Lord, or you simply don't know if you will make it to heaven, kindly say this prayer: Dear Jesus, I have come to you today as a lost person searching for an answer. I come to you hoping for a new beginning. I bring my every burden before you and ask that you help me this day. I thank you for forgiving me and accepting me as your own. I don't want your death to be in vain and so I gladly accept it and say thank you for everything and for the fact that today I stand with you in perfection and righteousness for this life I commit to you is not my life but it's  yours, just as Paul said it's no more I that lives but Christ that lives in me, so let it be with me. I thank you in Jesus name amen."
It's my prayer that you remain steadfast in the Lord ." Therefore, my dear brothers, be steadfast, unmovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that the work that you do for the Lord isn’t wasted."  1st Corinthians 15:58.

Have a glorious day🏄🏽

IG: @lords_shepherds

18th January, 2018

Romans 8:1-2
There is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

Ever felt bound by sin? Like you feel the need every single time to ask for forgiveness because you fear you may have done something wrong which you will be condemned for? Well one thing I've learnt from this verse is that once you are in Christ there is no condemnation. He paid the price years and years ago washing away all past, present and future sins. Sometimes instead of asking for forgiveness we must thank Him for the forgiveness granted unto us through His death on the cross. When we realise we have sinned we go before His throne and ask Him to forgive us, that is when you confess your sins and sincerely repent of them. For in 1 John it says if we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us. We never have to be held accountable by the law of sin but instead we are accountable to the law of life. That moment when you search through your life and can't pinpoint any sin you have committed, use that opportunity and thank Him for his forgiveness and that there is no condemnation in Him. Allow yourself to be led by the Spirit and never the flesh in your prayer life. Let Him convict you on how to pray. His leadings are different from that of the flesh. Spend time thanking God for His redemption and and His forgiveness today. For there is no condemnation or accusation for those in Christ Jesus!

Have a wonderful day!☺



17th January, 2018

Good morning

Hi. So honestly it took me some time for me to find a title for today's devotion. I know some of you might think the title is weird 😂😂. I wasn't actually planning on sharing this but then I changed my mind 🙉.

So there 're some words which just roll out of our lips 👄 naturally like, good morning 🙇🏽♀. I doubt most of us even think before saying good morning 😂😂😂, me saf. I mostly just type or say good morning because that's how to start a conversation.

I was reading a book by Uncle Ebo Whyte called "the perfect couple " , and there was this side the devil (character) said which goes like " Good thing humans don't realize what you are saying. You use words as a habit and never bother to understand the meaning and potential in them. Imagine how catastrophic it would be for me if people realize what they were saying when they say Good morning. It is a wish that if were expressed with meaning could have tremendous power. But you creatures from dust just throw words about. You fail to ponder over every statement and thus rob it if it's power".

It got me thinking, I mostly don't think about the impact of my words. Our words have a lot of impact. I hope this piece would also let you sit down and think about how important your words are.

Have a beautiful day 💕
IG: @lords_shepherds

By listening to the words of this song meditate on it and be blessed😊

Have a wonderful day🙏🏾

Good morning everyone✌️🏽
Today we are taking a different approach from the usual

Good Afternoon everyone!😊
So today's word is taking from Matthew 6: 34.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

As the text suggests, there are already enough things we have to deal with in a day to be worrying about the subsequent days ahead🤷‍♂
So just trust in God, put your faith in Him and sit back knowing that today tomorrow and all other days are being handled by our Maker.🙏🏾

Have a wonderful day😘

IG: @lords_shepherds


And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.
Hebrews 6:15 NIV

We've all heard the story of Abraham of not please go and read(Genesis 11:27 going). He waited a very very long time before he received his child (at the age of 100). If Abraham could wait this long why can't you. Because God said wait patiently doesn't mean He's working slowly, NO!, it means He's waiting for the right timing for you.
Take your time and enjoy what He's done and doing for you for you.

Stay Blessed🤗.

IG: @lords_shepherds



And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 NIV

I was watching a series this afternoon. There was a group of 6👫👭👬 friends. 5👬👭👨🏾‍💼 of them received a contract at a particular company but one didn't🙍🏾. Not knowing the one who didn't get a job had an "accident"😯 and got a SUPER POWER just like flash's😅 . So the 5 who got the contract went to the office to start work and they found out that the people they were working for were bad👹. Unfortunately for them they got caught and were about to be killed😵. And all of a sudden the friend who didn't get the contract run🏃🏾‍♀ in (just like flash)and beat up the bad guys and rescued her friends🕺🏾👯.

What I learnt was that God will let everything work out for your good. At that moment when everything seems wrong and you just don't understand, that's when God is cooking up His master plan. All you need to do is sit back and watch Him do His thing😎. If all the 6 friends were hired then they would have been dead.

Don't worry about the storm. Remember in Psalm 23, even though we walk through the darkest valley we will not fear for HE IS WITH US.

Stay Blessed🤗.

IG: @lords_shepherds

Have a wonderful spirit-filled day🙏🏾


You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
John 15:16 NIV

The scripture above tells us so many things.
1. Don't ever think that you chose God. You were called before you were formed in your mother's womb. Never think that you are doing God a favour by being a Christian.

2. Never belittle yourself. Everyone has been called to play a role in the church.

3. You can't be born again and just sit there. Please No! Salvation doesn't end after you give your life to Christ. You have a special duty to spread the word of Christ and win more souls for His kingdom. You need to go and bear fruits.

4. The Bible tells us that we will know them by their fruits. Your fruits need to last by the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. What ever you do needs prosper. Whoever you evangelize to needs to grow. The fruits you bear must bear more fruits.

5. Don't you think God will be happy when He sees you doing His work? It becomes easy asking Him for anything because He knows that whatever it is that you want, you will use it to His Glory.

Go and Be a Blessing🤗.

IG: @lords_shepherds



Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
1 Peter 5:8 - 9 NIV

Being born again means you're saying no to the devil and yes to Jesus. But Satan won't just let you go like that. Please No.! He's also fighting for you. That is when fighting temptations become more difficult because you know that when you sin it hurts the Holy Spirit and trust me that feeling is just bad.

Don't allow the devil to take control. Yes you may fall but it's not the end. Get up and start again. Don't think God will leave you because erred. Just go back and ask for forgiveness and strength to overcome. Don't wallow in sadness and stay in your sin.

It's quiet difficult but it comes with a reward. The Bible tells us to carry each others burdens. Don't be shy to talk to someone about it. They can pray with you and help you overcome.
But please if you know you're not well grounded don't force yourself. You can just sit in your little corner and pray for the person

Be a Blessing to others🤗.


Good Morning🤗



Psalm 104:1

Sometimes we just can't stop telling God about how much we love Him and how great He is. The psalmist wasn't wrong when he wrote "Praise the Lord my soul! Oh Lord my God how great you are."

Just pause for a moment and tell Him how great and mighty and wonderful and glorious and amazing He is. Take time and look around and see the beauty, study His word and see His Power all around.

Never let hymns, psalms and praise leave your matter the situation. God is love and His love is all around us.

This song is the best way I can express my love and gratitude for Him.
♡Then sings my soul my saviour God to thee..... How great thou art♡

Be a Blessing to others🤗.

IG : @lords_shepherds



"Deep calls to deep"....
Psalm 42:7a NIV

Most of us like having those deep, true conversations with our friends, where we just bring everything out and understand each other. This sort of communication if I should call it builds some sort of "bond" between you and your friend. We can say that it strengthens the relationship.

When it comes to our relationship with Christ, it's like the same thing. The more we open up and free ourselves before Him, the more He let's us know of Him. God is not someone who can be studied within days, weeks or years, it takes time, patience and willingness, lots of it.

The above scripture can be translated as *"the deeper you are in Christ, the deeper he'll be in you"*. If you honestly want to know God then you have to spend some serious quality time with Him. How do you expect someone to share their secrets with you of both of you are "not like that".

Always know that God loves you and has already made time for you. If you really want to make your relationship work you have to be willing to do the same. It takes a lot of sacrifice and trust me it's not easy but it pays off. Take it day by day through your quiet time and praying and personal worship and you will build a wonderful relationship for yourself.

Have a Blessed day and be a Blessing to others🤗.



Sorry for the lateness🙏🏾

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