πue to @telegram's new privacy policy, this channel was created just for fun while playing π₯oleplayer. i'm not the real π’ΚΙͺΙ΄ π‘Κα΄α΄ΙͺΙ΄ from ITZY / πππ ENT. all the videos or photos here are from social media like instagram, tiktok, pinterest, twiter, telegram, facebook, etc.
i use the language everyday, maybe i forgot to use CW/TW whenever contain harshwords, if you are not comfortable with it, please leave this channel and don't forget to remove @yioshu from your channel
if you are homophobic, kpopphobic, grammar police, racist strictly, minor phobic, rprl area, plagiarism, please don't interact with me.
please don't plagiarize everything here, maybe i'm not as creative as you guys but please respect my work. i know if you copy the wording, theme, font, picture, videos, and text in here.
πue to @telegram's new privacy policy, this channel was created just for fun while playing π₯oleplayer. i'm not the real π’ΚΙͺΙ΄ π‘Κα΄α΄ΙͺΙ΄ from ITZY / πππ ENT. all the videos or photos here are from social media like instagram, tiktok, pinterest, twiter, telegram, facebook, etc.
i use the language everyday, maybe i forgot to use CW/TW whenever contain harshwords, if you are not comfortable with it, please leave this channel and don't forget to remove @yioshu from your channel
if you are homophobic, kpopphobic, grammar police, racist strictly, minor phobic, rprl area, plagiarism, please don't interact with me.
please don't plagiarize everything here, maybe i'm not as creative as you guys but please respect my work. i know if you copy the wording, theme, font, picture, videos, and text in here.