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▪️Hill Ranges of the Peninsular Plateau

▪️ Image credit- pmfias

1.Aravali Range

2.Vindhyan Range

3.Satpura Range

4.Western Ghats (or The Sahyadris)
a. The northern section
b. The Middle Sahyadri
C.The southern section

5.Eastern Ghats

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▪️ National Waterways of India

▪️ Total length 4503km
▪️ Total state served 15

▪️NW 1 Haldia to Allahabad (Ganga) ( 1620km)

▪️NW 2 Dhubri to Sadiya (Brahmaputra) ( 891km )

▪️NW 3 Kollam to Kottapuram (West coast canal) (205 km )

▪️ NW 4 Kakinada to pudduchery (Godavari, Krishna & Canals) ( 1078 km )

▪️NW 5 Goenkhali to Talcher (Brahmani, Delta Canals, Ecc) ( 588 km )

▪️NW 6 Lakhipur to Bhanga [In Process] (Barak) (121 km)

Source -Indian express



▪️National waterways of India

▪️Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI)

▪️Formed 27 Oct 1986
▪️Headquarters Noida up

▪️Department ministry of shipping

▪️The Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) on February 15, 2019 launched a new portal called 'LADIS' – Least Available Depth Information System in New Delhi to ensure optimum use of national waterways.

The portal will ensure that the real-time data on least available depths (LADs) is disseminated for ship and barge and cargo owners so that they can undertake transportation on the national waterways in a more planned way


Located South of North America

East: Atlantic ocean

West: Pacific Ocean

North: Caribbean Sea

South : Antarctic Ocean

South America along with Mexico, Central-
America & West Indies together known as


IndianState/ Union territory share border with China..
The entire China-Indian border (including the western LAC, the small undisputed section in the centre, and the McMahon Line in the east) is 4,056 km (2,520 mi) long and traverses

one Indian union territory,
And four Indian states
1) Ladakh, and
2) Uttarakhand,
3) Himachal Pradesh,
4) Sikkim,
5) Arunachal Pradesh.


#land_locked country in South America

Paraguay and Bolivia are the only two landlocked countries in South America.


▪️Everything about Sanghai Cooperation Organisation(SCO)
▪️ Image credit #dhyeya_ias



▪️Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

◾️ SCO is a Eurasian political, economic and security alliance, the creation of which was announced on 15 June 2001 in Shanghai, China by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

▪️Headquarters: Beijing, China

▪️SCO has 8 Member States - China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan;

◾️Observer States 4 - Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran and Mongolia and

◾️Dialogue Partners 6 - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia,
Nepal, Turkey and Sri Lanka.

◾️ Official working languages of the SCO are Chinese and Russian.

◾️ The organisation has two permanent bodies — the SCO
Secretariat based in Beijing and the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) based in Tashkent.

◾️ SCO conducted Joint Exercise on Urban Earthquake Search & Rescue (SCOJtEx-2019) in New Delhi


#Baltic_sea #Sea
🟣 Baltic Sea

Bordered by the coasts of Germany, Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Also look out the Gulf of bothnia


#Red_Sea #Sea

🟣 Red Sea

It (also the Erythraean Sea) is a seawater inlet of the Indian Ocean, lying between Africa and Asia.

The connection to the ocean is in the south through the Bab el Mandeb strait and the Gulf of Aden.

To the north lie the Sinai Peninsula, the Gulf of Aqaba, and the Gulf of Suez (leading to the Suez Canal).

Bordering countries are:
Eastern shore: Saudi Arabia, Yemen
Western shore: Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti.


Red Sea: Adjacent Countries and Straits


Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC)

What is BIMSTEC?

BIMSTEC is a regional organisation comprising seven member states (India, Nepal and Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Thailand) lying in the littoral and adjacent areas of the Bay of Bengal.


1. A new sub-regional grouping was formed on 6 June 1997 in Bangkok under the name BIST-EC (Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand Economic Cooperation). Following the inclusion of Myanmar on 22 December 1997, the Group was renamed ‘BIMST-EC’ (Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand Economic Cooperation).

2. In February 2004, Nepal and Bhutan became full members.

3. On 31 July 2004, in the first Summit the grouping was renamed as BIMSTEC or the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation.

Details About the Organisation

1. It is a seven member Organisation.
2. BIMSTEC has five of SAARC members in it, plus Myanmar and Thailand.
3. The BIMSTEC connects three important sub-regions of
I. India, Nepal and Bhutan in the Himalayan sub-region
II. Sri Lanka and Bangladesh in the Bay of Bengal sub-region
III. Myanmar and Thailand in the Mekong sub-region.
4. BIMSTEC is the only forum that brings together India’s strategic peripheries (South, East and North) under one single grouping.



* The Durand Line is the 2,430-kilometre International border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

* Sir Mortimer Durand had drawn this line in 1893 between Afghanistan and then British India, which later got divided into two countries India and Pakistan in 1947.  


#Radcliff_Line #line
▪️Radcliff Line

* Radcliff Line had divided British India into three parts - West Pakistan, India and East Pakistan. But in 1971, the Bengali people in East Pakistan rebelled against their West Pakistani rulers. As a result a new country came into being and is known as Bangladesh.

* The same Radcliffe Line which separated India  and the then East Pakistan is the present border between India and Bangladesh. 


#Macmohan_line #line


* MacMohan Line marks the border between India and China.

* The line is named after Sir Henry McMahon, the then foreign secretary of the British-run Government of India and the chief negotiator of the convention at Simla.

* It extends for 550 miles (890 km) from Bhutan in the west to 160 miles (260 km) east of the great bend of the Brahmaputra River in the east, largely along the crest of the Himalayas. China rejects the Simla Accord, contending that the Tibetan government was not sovereign and therefore did not have the power to conclude treaties.

* It is the effective boundary between China and India, although its legal status is disputed by the Chinese government.



▪️About Amazon Rainforest:

▪️The Amazon rainforest stretches across 5.5 million square kilometers, an area far larger than the EU.

▪️The Amazon rainforest home to one in 10 species on Earth is on fire.

▪️The Amazon rainforest is a moist broadleaf tropical rainforest in the Amazon biome that covers most of the Amazon basin of South America.

▪️The majority of the forest is contained within Brazil, with 60% of the rainforest, followed by Peru with 13%, Colombia with 10%, and with minor amounts in Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and France (French Guiana).


#Mediterranean_Sea #Sea

🟣 Mediterranean Sea

African countries- METAL( Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya);

Asian countries- C.LIST( Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Syria, Turkey );

European countries- MAMMI.G.SC.BSF ( Mammi G Salutes Commander of BSF) Malta, Albania, Monocco, Montenegro, Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Spain, France.



🟣 Kurds

Kurds are located in border areas of Turkey, Syria, Iraq (not on Afghanistan).




Not a landlocked country.

Borders: Egypt, Libya, Chad, CAR, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea.

Sea: Opens to Red sea on Northeast.


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