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It's amazing that Elon Musk is using the term 'white genocide'.
It's also amazing that most of the people who popularised the term around 2016 are banned on the platform he owns.

1.1k 1 21 114 50

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The invasion of Ireland continues.

1.5k 0 26 18 133


Following last year's push up challenge, we've decided it's time to get SUMMER BODY READY with another fitness challenge. 300 EXERCISES PER DAY - 100 push-ups, 100 crunches and 100 squats. Go for GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE:

🏆 - GOLD: 300 Exercises per day
🏆 - SILVER: 200 Exercises per day
🏆 - BRONZE: 100 Exercises per day

GET INVOLVED; join the Telegram chat, be part of the community and help motivate others to push their limits. The event begins on April 1st and runs for the whole month!


3.5k 1 50 11 80

Forward from: Roßmüller`s Dissident Channel

☝️In my opinion, that abominable testimony of a period of decay in the Piazza della Signoria in Florence is a deliberate counter-aesthetically disruptive breach of style, purposefully placed in one of the most outstanding cultural cities in Europe, with the intention of hideous, culturally alien coercion to sacrifice the traditional artful harmony in favour of a manipulative re-education of taste which destroys the peculiarity of the Occidental cultural heritage.👈

❗️Those responsible should be brought to justice for coercion by cultural offence!

👉 – Join The Channel & Support Freedom, Identity, Future!

2.3k 0 20 20 125

In the Netflix version it was a gang of white nationalists.

2.6k 0 27 10 175

2.9k 1 57 32 209

Forward from: Tollahgram

2.5k 0 50 8 192

Imagine starting a political party with the sole intention of bringing about remigration, then announcing that you won’t be standing any parliamentary candidates for TWO DECADES. This would mean contesting Westminster constituencies not in 2029, but in 2044!

By 2044, White British children will be a minority in schools (currently 61.3 per cent), White British births will be a minority in maternity wards (currently 55.6 per cent) and overall, White British people will make up less than 60 per cent of the population (currently White Brits around 70 per cent).

The ONLY way to bring about remigration is to form a government by winning a parliamentary majority – to believe this would be possible in 2044 after another 19 years of mass migration, high migrant birth rates, critically low White British birth rates and a large number of elderly White British people dying off is pure fantasy.

3.5k 1 30 62 141

Remember guys: this is a white problem, white parents must step up.

2.9k 0 21 20 200

Forward from: Welsh Nationalist

2.7k 0 11 14 111

Ethnic minority groups can physically attack white girls and the media doesn't say a word.
One white girl utters the N-word and it's front page news.

3k 0 38 20 285

Why is anyone shocked over this? Why is it news? The previous government signed decade long deals with these hotels, this isn't going to end, if anything the problem will get worse.

3.3k 1 26 17 196

Can National Socialism be Resurrected? - with Joel Davis
LIVESTREAM: 8pm UK time (3pm EST)

Keith Woods and Joel Davis have been engaged in an online debate over the issue of National Socialism and its relevance in the modern world. Tonight, I am joined by Joel Davis as he makes his case and answers questions about the efficacy of his political plans.
Can National Socialism be Resurrected? - with Joel Davis
Keith Woods and Joel Davis have been engaged in an online debate over the issue of National Socialism and its relevance in the modern world. Tonight, I am joined by Joel Davis as he makes his case and...

3.6k 1 19 10 96

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In Germany a gang of immigrants beat up a lone German boy, while other Germans stand idly by watching and do nothing to help.

4.4k 1 66 21 262

Forward from: Saint Harrison
It’s good to see MPs talking like this.

2.8k 0 15 6 220

This is the problem.
Everything that you think you would do if you got to power would be stopped by a multi-layered establishment designed to prevent any positive change.

3.4k 0 19 23 228

Forward from: UNN
Front page of the Mail online.

Slop to end all slop.

Total lies.

Total brainwashing propaganda.

All to support war.

2.8k 0 20 86 198

Can National Socialism be Resurrected? - with Joel Davis
LIVESTREAM: 8pm UK time (3pm EST)

Keith Woods and Joel Davis have been engaged in an online debate over the issue of National Socialism and its relevance in the modern world. Tonight, I am joined by Joel Davis as he makes his case and answers questions about the efficacy of his political plans.

9.9k 6 141 75 165
20 last posts shown.