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Forward from: Martin Sellner (english)
Remigration breakthrough at the party conference!

The AfD party conference took place today in Riesa. Besieged by left-wing terrorists, the AfD met to decide on the top candidate and the party program. Something great happened.
First some Backstory:

Women are more empathetic so they fall for the oppression bait.

It's funny because among Spanish nats the discourse is very hostile to the Anglos. Shitting on Anglos is par for the course here. I never liked or agreed with that and always rebuked it when I saw it. My philosophy was always pan-Euro and still is. But that toxicity also needs to be called out on the Anglo-Germanic side of things. Meds ought to be aware of the supremacist attitudes they have and not get duped into being a useful idiot for those groups the way the Blue Division got duped into losing their lives on the Eastern Front for exclusively Germanic benefit. If they don't respect us then we ought not lift a finger for them. Franco was smart to stay out of Hitler's insane war.

530 0 6 37 21

The Anglo nations have fallen far as have most of the West. It doesn't make sense for me to make a stand there since much of the "nats" there are Anglo supremacists who basically want to exile Whites of non North-West Euro background. They view Meds and Slavs maybe a slight step above Jeets but ultimately they look down on us and want to do us harm as well, even if they don't admit it openly. No sense supporting a cause like that. I have some sympathy for the Anglo nations but the people claiming to represent those causes on the nat side are generally toxic Nordicists who don't deserve a helping hand from Meds or Slavs.

526 0 9 11 22

Canada is a jeet occupied territory. A guy with a turban says "we are a proud people". No you're not a people at all, you're a bunch of weird third worlders larping as Europeans. Place is fucked and lost. Not worth fighting for IMO hence why I left a long time ago.

Forward from: Voluntarist Memes
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Commie Snowjeets are preparing to fight. America must strike pre-emptively to eliminate the red menace.


Forward from: MAKS 23 👀🇺🇦
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👀 Boris Johnson: "It's over, over, over. No more empire, Vladimir Putin, you f*cking idiot."

This is the AfD's worst position by far.

This is the same contrarianism that motivates Viktor Orban's simpery for Russia. But as we've seen with Duda in Poland, one can oppose all of the bad tendencies of the EU AND oppose Putin's Eurasian war of extermination in Ukraine at the same time.

There's no need to cuck to the Kremlin here just to "own" the libs, or whatever is motivating Weidel and AfD on this point. In fact the consistent right-wing nationalist position is to oppose Putin's attempt to erase borders in Europe and import Russian-speaking churka hordes from Central Asia.

558 0 7 18 10

We won't be getting an "every single time" meme from the memers about Christian churches backing refugees virtually everywhere.

Duginism is the global version of affirmative action DEI.

649 0 11 8 40

The "women" of Germany's Green Party. 😂😂🤮🤮

944 1 19 6 41

On top of that, the "Icelandic rabbi" demanding refugees headline is a fake photoshop.

Look at this, all of these people demanding Iceland take in more refugees are Icelandic people.

"Icelandic Minister for Social Affairs and Housing, Eygló Harðardóttir, has officially stated that she is in favour on taking in more refugees. While not setting a specific figure, she stressed that she did not want to see a cap on numbers. She also urged all Icelanders to make a contribution towards assisting refugees in Iceland. Elín Hirst, MP for Iceland’s Independence Party (‘Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn’), one of the two parties in the governing coalition, goes further and describes the government’s current contribution, i.e. fifty refuges, as “shameful”. “Countries like Iceland should step up and help,” writes Hirst in a Facebook status. “I shall be bringing up the matter in Parliament and within the parliamentary party.” As regards numbers, she simply says, “Maybe ten times more [i.e. 500] would be nearer the mark.” Independence Party leader and Icelandic Finance Minister, Bjarni Benediktsson, echoes Iceland’s responsibility to help but is more circumspect when it comes to setting a figure. “We must assess what we can do in light of the great hardship we are seeing, and those agencies and ministries involved must address the issue immediately,” he indicates. Iceland’s Bright Future Party (‘Björt framtíð’) has urged the government to review its currently plans and greatly increase the number of refugees to be received by Iceland."


This is why I stress that NS is fake opposition to Communism and the Left. They want to impose an alternate race-exclusive version of Communism with most of the same characteristics as classical Marxism.

More economic midwittery from Sewell. He's always dropping these incoherent takes on econ like most NatSucks.

So he says Hitler "didn't nationalize enough" while arguing that he and his ideology aren't communists. So if socialist Hitler was not socialist enough, what does that make him if not a commie who wants to nationalize everything?

Then says "they merely banned arms companies from profitting off the war". If a company can't profit, then it's not a private company, it's a state-run enterprise.

Funny how these NatSucks have no issue with the German State profiting off a war Hitler started on false pretenses by looting and sucking dry every country they invaded, but they're irked if some private German businessman makes a profit off a war Hitler started. They hate "profits" except when the state gets them to finance its war of extermination against Slavic nations.

Clown ideology.

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The J-spergs drive away quality White people

Forward from: Fashwave

Kremlin operative Kapner is anti-White (supports mass murder of Ukrainians) and makes a mockery of Christianity with his cringe theatrics.

Turd in the punchbowl!

Russian MP allegedly going off again about how the Baltics "should belong to Russia".

Imagine being ruled by these alcoholic vatniks for eternity?

The Kremlin is the greatest physical threat to Europe. It is not only raining destruction down on Ukraine, but organizing migrant invasions of Poland and Finland.

Complete berzerk regime.

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