𝓜ellifous ✦ OPEN.

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Smpai jmpa pd Leoura sambat hours lg

Oke cukup. Leoura balik kerja

Gue udah gakuat ni hp tiba tiba ngeblank kgk jlas


#2021 own Mellifous ganti hp


Pernah ga si lo pengen rombak ch terus

Bentar, gue misuh dulu

Forward from: CRISPY TENDERS
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おはようございます! halo semuanya! @crispytenders akan mengadakan simple new year catalogue hari ini pukul 11.00 dan akan dibuka pukul 11.05 pagi! Happy shopping! ´・ᴗ・`ㅤㅤㅤ

[ For BA accounts who read this, can you forward this broadcast to your channel? Just 5 seconds tap is not a crime ]

Sumptuous morning Mellifies! I'm now open again for all kinds of wording, custom wording and manips with no slot limit for this batch. Don't forget to read the TnC first then see the catalog at @Mellifousc or here and immediately fill in and send your format to @Fleurz. Bonne journée et merci! 🤍

Ikutan yuk? Aku juga pengen ikutan.

Forward from: 𝐖innie 𝐅laneur. ✶

1. Must be subscribing @WinnieFlaneur and also @Didacticiel first.
2. Participating with two different accounts to receive two gifts is prohibited.
3. We accept exachangements in the first 24 hours. Exceeding the allotted time will not be accepted.
4. You have to accept whatever is inside your mystery box which you have chosen. You can’t change your number after sending your form. Doing barter with other participants is strictly prohibited.
5. I will draw the numbers and presents on the 31st of December 2020 and will be announced on the 1st of January 2021. Therefore, make sure you stay tuned to this channel.

Name + username:
Your wish for 2021:
Wish for WinnieFlaneur:
Choose the box number (from 1-5):
>> Contact @Checilsbot to make reservations.

Curious about the presents? Fret not, I’ll give you the sneak peek! If you’re participating, you’ll get:
1. Animated border.
3. E-wallet balance.
4. Discount voucher (available on Winnie Flaneur only).
5. GIFs, themed icons, etc.

Forward from: 𝐖innie 𝐅laneur. ✶

Bidding our most beautiful way of greeting. Why hello, there! I’m sure that we are all aware to the fact that New Year is getting closer! Seems like we’ve been through a lot in 2020, I myself didn’t expect that Winnie Flaneur would get more than 200 subscribers in just a month. So as my sincere gratitude, I decided to hold something fun to welcome the brighter future of ours.

Winnie Flaneur proudly presenting the New Year 2021; Mystery Box. Just like the name, you’ll get secret presents from us! Intrigued to participate? You might wanna check some important things below!

The presents are so tempting, aren’t they? I’m sure that there’s a lot of you who wants to take it, moreover when it’s free, so don’t waste your time considering too long and go register yourself!

May you have a pleasant year,
love, Winnie Flaneur.

Forward from: Delightful Tales.

Hello hello there, people of the world! We brought you a wonderful news on this fanciful evening. I bet some of you have heard about this a while ago. Yes! Delightful Tales is finally open for themed icons tomorrow at 1 PM (WIB).

You might be excited, since we are too! However, we will take orders based on the procedure that has been written below. Paying attention for a little while won’t hurt you, will it?

1. Read our TnC first. For every transactions that occur based on our interference cannot be separated from this regulation.

2. We take 20 slots at this batch. Turn on your alarm to make sure that you don’t miss it! :p

3. Kindly mention your username (and ONLY your username) to our bot, @DeTalesBot. We will reply your message with “🤍” this emoji, to notify that you successfully got the slot. Now, ifsoever Livegram has its sudden technical problem, therefore we didn’t receive your message, you can drop your username to Alea, @AleaBavory.

4. We will reach you directly, and this is where you make your orders! Fill in your order format. You can be as detailed as you want.

5. When we’ve finished your order, we’ll send you the preview immediately before we finally send you the results through Google Drive if there are no longer revision request(s).

You’ve reached the end of this not-so-short notes! If there’s anything that brought you confusion or wonder, we’d be happy to answer those queries inside your head here @DeTalesBot. You still have a couple hours to brace yourself. Until then, we shoot you a heap of grats! ‹𝟹

Forward from: ✦ asmaraloka : today 01:00pm! ✰੭
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[ Dear any Business Account who read this, a five second tap and forward won't hurt anyone, mind to do the same to mine? help me to spread this news! ]

Don't you think that a usual comic drawing is boring these days? That's why I'm inviting you to Asmaraloka Christmas and New Year Special Batch! A brand new comic that you never found nor seen before, but it doesn't mean that this comic will be the same as before. Many colorful drawing [Animated Border, Aesthetic GIF and Themed Icons] that is one hundred percent made by the hands by comic Goddesses itself will be displayed here. Mark the date so you won't miss the chance to have your own comic design!

Hai semuanya, Asmaraloka akan mengadakan Christmas and New Year Special Batch tanggal 28 Desember jam 01:00 siang, jangan lupa cek katalognya dan siapkan formatmu!

With love, Scarlett and Evelynn.

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