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︎︎interwine by the star, @melphrobot
[dearly, E.M]

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Melphy, makasih ya atas antusiasnya buat E.M's free mb. Kapan-kapan lagi. :3

Text @ "Hi, miyeth! I'm @ and I'm willing to take those isa lee mb. Thank you!" to get this spicy mb for free!

Siapa suka mb begini?

Hi tmn-tmn.

sudaaaah! next nyaa sama miyeth yaah

okaay then do submit your best greetings to @ with forms "hi elijah! I'm (usn), and I'm willing to take those yunjin mb. thank you!"

okokk siapa maau ini for freee

oh wow we're almost reaching 300

tungguuu sebentaar yaa temen temeeeen

siapaa sudaah siaaap

@HoopLuxe congratulations for 300 subscribers, bb.

Forward from: EMOTE MONTAGE – 11 JAN.
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Emote Montage's Grand Debut. ೀ

Amidst the canvas of feelings, a poetic visionary unveils 'Emote Montage.' Each moodboard, a verse in a visual sonnet, a dance of hues and emotions. A symphony of moodboards crafted with finesse. With every purchase, not only unlocks a visual tale but also got gift one non-premium biography per soul. Embrace the artistry, where emotion meets creation—your unique narrative awaits in every board at 11 January 2024 On 09:00 WIB.

Sincerely, @EmoteMontage.

Forward from: mouka-moka!
⁺◞ dearest business moots, can you help me to forward this message? much obliged! 🙇🏻‍♀ ׄ⭒ ִ

radiating amidst the depths of obscurity. vigorously knocking on the clearly discernible door 🚪

*knock-knock!! @moukamoka is looking for new pals! We only accept profile need things that have shared interests and main account. We are not interested in those who do not want to share and fill in mutual data or rarely engage. If you'd like to connect, visit t.me/moundsbot. see you when we become business buddy! ♡

Forward from: Lova-reine : Open!
(Pst! Calling all my lovely mutuals, can you please help me to bring this message to your channel? Merci ♡ )

@Lovareine is Looking for new Business Mutuals! 👀, sorry we only accept Profneeds Business (Icons, Moodboard, Wording, Manips, Commision etc) and only for Main Account! 🙌🏻 if you want/interest to be my mutuals please contact me at @Babybreathibot 🫶🏻

xoxo, Jasela (@Lovareine)

temen temen yang mau hfw ataupun mutualan boleh chat ke @melphrobot yaa 🫶

📝 Hii, ayo drop muse yang harus kita bikin mb freenyaa!

👤 Taehyung

👤 heeseung

👤 Iroha illit!

👤 Leehan of BND!

👤 Winter aespa

👤 yooyeon tripleS!


👤 isa lee of stayc pleaaase!

👤 sohyun triples tysmm!

👤 baek songmin!

👤 Han Jisung

👤 sangah lightsum! ♥️

👤 sze! (@.sheryljesslyn on ig)

👤 Olivia Rodrigooo

👤 Rei Ive!

👤 minjuuuu

👤 wonhee!

👤 Chaeyoung fromis_9!


👤 yunjin, tia

👤 Lewis hamilton😝😝

👥 21 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

🚫 This poll is closed...

maau request musenyaa enggaak :]

siapamaau free moodboard lagi :]

sudaah yaa temen temen! terimakasih. besok e.m buat yang lain lain juga. jangan lupa buat ikutan giveway kami yaaa. ⭐️

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