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thankiuu sweetieπŸ™†β€β™€β€οΈ

Hmappy Birthday to all Kim Minju rp β€” ers especially to my lovely bestfriend Raeysha

πŸ‘ aaaaa doyeon cantik , faceswapnya keren
πŸ’ minkyu
🍊 at my worst , location unknown


πŸ‘ cakep bener kak 😒
πŸ’ lucas
🍊 90's love , dudidam

πŸ‘ keren bgt lur
πŸ’ johnny
🍊 energetic, fight song

πŸ‘ serem tapi cantikπŸ₯Ί
🍎 apel snowhite
πŸ‡ si bawel

#nyonyabucin agy maskeran dulu

πŸ‘ kece bgt hh
🍎 ayo dik pcran
πŸ‡ bb galak

πŸ‘ keceee
🍎 ...
πŸ‡ kucing pms

πŸ‘ setupnya keren , kayaknya anaknya seru
πŸ‡ calon menantu bapake

πŸ‘ ni dia resing!rp
πŸ‡ aa ojek pribadi

πŸ‘ kece
πŸ‡ cingkuhan hh

πŸ‘ widii setupnya keceee parah
πŸ‡ mamang resing

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