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¶Men issues
¶Learn the brutal truth about women & Seduction.
¶ Our goal is for you to awaken your inner Giant.Your inner man. The same force that made planes fly and went to the moon. Men are not born, they're forged in steel.
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Do not be a nice guy.

Be assertive.

Be kind.

Be bold.

Be authentic.

But don't be nice.

How many movies are there where the woman sacrifices herself for her man?

How many are there where the man sacrifices himself for his woman?

Men love unconditionally.
Women opportunistically.

Some Openers I use that work for me.


"A toast to us. Me doing all the talking and you just sitting looking cute."

Most probably You'll get replies like

What do you mean?

The aim is using openers that will make her reply and not get blueticked!

The "Hey"
"Hey sweery"
"Hello beautiful"

Are So down. Her inbox is always Full of Such Dms, You need to stand out and be different from others,
Whats your best opener?
Comment below👇

Whats Your best Online Opener that never Fails?

That online opener that Will always make her reply even If she doesn't know you.

Bring them On, Comment down below👇
I'll drop Mine.

How you should view relationships with women:

•Minimum effort, maximum return

Girls should actually simp for you.

Ever heard a girl talk about her exes?

Who does she talk about with more emotion, the guy she did everything for or the guy who did everything for her🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

Bigger tryouts:

•Get her to visit you more (the effort she puts in is enough to get her attached)

•Get her to invest money (women spending money on you will attract them more to you than you spending money on them ever would)

•Get her to break her rules

Small tryouts:

•Get her to hit you up 1st on the phone

•Get her to text more than you do

Subconsciously, without even realizing it, she's investing in the relationship

Know this, women only value what they work for

You must get her to prove herself to you, the more she tries to prove herself, the more she's invested in that relationship

Start small with the tryouts & increase them with time.


The more you get her to invest, the more she falls for you.

The main reason why your relationships fail, is because YOU put all the effort while she does nothing but exist.

Hence, you're into the relationship & she's not

She belongs to the streets until proven otherwise.

In other words

All women have the same nature.

But Not all women exercise their nature similarly.

Most of them are like that with outliers at both extreme ends.

The best thing is to assume every woman is a ho, till she proves you otherwise.

They all love success, they all want the best comfort but some will materialise those desires differently.


Women aren't the same, they will do things in different ways

All of them are hypergamous, but not all of them are ruthless,

All of them are emotional, but not all of them are irrational.

All of them love stimulation & fantasy but not all of them will ruin their lives for it....

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