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tiemyseee, @mextimye sekarang tutup duluu yaaa soalnya udah jam 9 malam lebih eueue TT besok mextimye bakal buka lagii kok gess! selamat malam yaaa tiemyseee, semoga mimpi indah semuanya! 💕

mutuall bantu isii yaaa

📝 saran muse + theme dongg, mau buat mb deco sama basic:3

👤 Isa poetry vintage

👤 go younjung poetry pink!

👤 yunjin kidcoreee

👤 wonyoung dollette or rotten doll !

👤 Karina poentry red

👤 seoyeon messy

👤 jaemin calm

👤 minji dollette

👥 8 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

                          Irene Red Velvet   📞   ..  ╱ᅠ
Hella, ma'am. I here have been interested in one of your #maxtym Irene Red Velvet with the price 3,000 I will buy with muse (for replace, if not delete it) payment DANA/QRISS. Please implement it immediately.

Please have read the TnC and provided the format to @mextimyes to speed up the process and avail replace!

yep! finally this merchandise SOLD and besides that a big thank you to R for purchasing this moodboard! ♥️

yukk jajann tiemysee, yang mau custom availl inrush under 3h 12s yaaa, kalau lebih dari 12s bisa di tanyain duluu. kirim formatmu yang oke itu ke @mextimyes yhh.. ❤️❤️💋💋💋💋 camat jajan xixixixiix

camat pagii tiemysee! awali harimuu dengann jajann di @mextimye xixixixiixi,,,,,, >

                           Eula Genshin Impact   📞   ..  ╱ᅠ
Hella, ma'am. I here have been interested in one of your #maxtym Eula Genshin Impact with the price 3,000 I will buy with muse (for replace, if not delete it) payment DANA/QRISS. Please implement it immediately.

Please have read the TnC and provided the format to @mextimyes to speed up the process and avail replace!

                           Soo Ae Operation: True Love 📞   ..  ╱ᅠ
Hella, ma'am. I here have been interested in one of your ##maxtym Soo Ae Operation:True Love with the price 4,500 I will buy with muse (for replace, if not delete it) payment DANA/QRISS. Please implement it immediately.

Please have read the TnC and provided the format to @mextimyes to speed up the process and avail replace!

                           Yumi Wind Breaker   📞   ..  ╱ᅠ
Hella, ma'am. I here have been interested in one of your #maxtysc Yumi Wind Breaker with the price 4,000 I will buy with muse (for replace, if not delete it) payment DANA/QRISS. Please implement it immediately.

Please have read the TnC and provided the format to @mextimyes to speed up the process and avail replace!

bantu ges plis?

📝 saran muse + theme dongg, mau buat mb deco sama basic:3

👤 Isa poetry vintage

👤 go younjung poetry pink!

👤 yunjin kidcoreee

👤 wonyoung dollette or rotten doll !

👤 Karina poentry red

👤 seoyeon messy

👤 jaemin calm

👤 minji dollette

👥 8 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

20 last posts shown.


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