
Channel's geo and language: Indonesia, Indonesian
Category: Blogs

ㅤㅤA dona deste canal é uma pessoa tão charmosa e atraente, o estilo dela é tão especial como um anjo. quem mais senão @DuplicateJenibot

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Indonesia, Indonesian
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bikin emosi sama sedih kecmpur

kenapa skrg gue benci hari ultah gue

semoga harinya menyenangkan dehh

dia lagi ngapain yaa

rasanya pengen hapus sosmed semua

gatau kenapa

sedih akhir akhir ini

JENNIE for Calvinklien
@calvinklien. Thank you to my wonderful calvin family for this dream collab. So happy to share this with the world. Love you guys 🎀🎀🎀

Jennie for @calvinklein by @hongjanghyun

And for the after ...🖤 special thanks to mr @choeey_ for all the photos. And of course my dear @alisonmchang i wuv you.

waduh, meri me riki??💍💍💍

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