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day 05 : wish for sacy

makin solid


day 1 : smile


Forward from: 𝐒𝓞𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄
halo semuanya!
solace mau ngadain "5DaysWithSolace". jadi kalian tinggal upload foto yang sudah ditentuin adm dengan caption bebas di ch kalian. adapun format dari day 1-5 adalah:
day 1: smile
day 2: w/ besti or cp
day 3: w/pet
day 4: holiday
day 5: badmood face/childhood

jangan lupa pakai hastag

yang sudah upload di ch silahkan fw ke grup🙌🏻

— day 4 : mirror selfie —


it will hurt . .

' when you broke me first '

— day 3 : selfie with ex —

[ river ackerley ] no new photos


first love ku dia , dari 2017 - 2020.

ku lagi suka banget sama lagunya

Forward from: sasya jefferson

✦ 𝐖estern and 𝐈ndonesian chara only
【all genders are allowed】

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see you! ♡

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